More heavy chemtrailing in France: how can we protect our lungs?

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

I have seen this enough times to recognise the pattern now. 3 days of chemtrailing followed by a grey, smoggy period with rain and colder weather. This is what the sky looked like at sunset last night on the third day of seeing these lines in the sky.


Watching the lines dissipate last night it was evident they were turning into a misty smog.

A close up on the horizon reveals the familiar zig-zag pattern and intensity with which these chemtrails are being created over the Pyrenees Mountains where we live.

The wind was coming towards us from down the valley.

It rained through the night and at 9am this morning I was stunned by how dark and smoggy it was.

From our house we could see only a few hundred meters.

It is seriously cold today after being ridiculously hot just a few days ago. The snow level has descended overnight to just above our village and the locals are telling me this has never happened before at this time of year.
snow line.jpg

In my mind there is no question that we are looking at geo-engineering here. The atmosphere is being seeded with chemicals which are changing the weather.

There are many proposed reasons as to why the governments of the world might team up to take on a secret operation of this scale but all of these reasons are meaningless in the face of one truth: the public did not give their consent.

The question of health

Clearly whatever is being put into the atmosphere is coming down upon us, in the rain and in the air.


My son Esteban has suffered strange coughing fits since we arrived here in the South of France but they are not consistent with anything we can think of... except this.

Around three times a month the chemtrails appear in the sky and after a few days the coughing begins. This morning before anyone woke I could hear him coughing in his sleep and it has continued throughout the day.

What can be done?

I would like to be in a better position to answer this question accurately. There doesn't feel like much one can do when it is in the air we breathe. I am conscious however that diet plays a large role in filtering out toxins.


Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower & cabbage, eaten raw are particularly good at looking after our lungs.

Esteban is going through a bit of a rebellious streak with his eating currently and the only vegetable we can get him to eat raw is broccoli. Which is lucky really as I do believe this is one of the most effective of the bunch:

A compound found in broccoli, sulforaphane, increases the expression (activity) of a gene found in lung cells that protects the organ from damage caused by toxins. NHS.UK

Interesting that broccoli actually looks like lungs. Could this be a message from Mother Nature???


Final thoughts

It feels like there is nowhere to hide in situations like this so all we can do is protect our bodies and the bodies of our loved ones with food which fights on our behalf.

I am a big fan of raw broccoli and eat it raw every day ...and my lungs have always been in good health, no matter how much partying I do!

Stay aware of what is happening in the sky above your heads and see if you can make connections between coughing and chemtrailing. If you are in any doubt, get those raw cruciferous vegetables down you!

Bon Appetite 🌱

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My mind is still in conflict about why, why they do what they do...?

So hard to know the answer to that. Many reasons I am guessing. In the end it doesn't really matter their end goal(s)... only how to protect ourselves :)

The chemtrails are being observed all over the world. A fellow I know has done some digging to find out who and why we are seeing these chemtrails. Apparently, it started back with the Johnson administration sometime around 1964. They wanted a weather weapon. One that could incapacitate the enemy. Only they didn't tell us we would be subjected to the tests.

I believe that is certainly part of it but I think too the agenda has widened since then. The weather is responsible for our food source so I feel certain Monsanto have gotten in on the action somehow. Most likely crippling those who don't buy their seeds.

Or perhaps the true agenda is just a plain and simple cull which ensures people send as much as possible on their way out. What doctor in the world is going to write 'death by chemtrails'?

Just last month a doctor told us Esteban had asthma, yet when the chemtrails stopped he stopped coughing.

The chemical they use can trigger asthma-like symptoms. We cough as well and then the rain comes and we're good until the next round. Big business and the governments are in bed together so what do we expect? Us little folks need to join forces to do something. Simple protests aren't working.

Sam, take a look at this video:

Control of our water and crops for the benefit of Big Business.
I still remember feeling surprise some years ago when I read that the Rothschilds were investing heavily in climate control companies.

Thanks for this Sherryl. I watched the whole thing. She actually mentions a connection between sulphur and asthma like symptoms in the film which is interesting.

It is a subject which interests me greatly and have seen it happening more and more all over the world. Even in Bali.

Great to see you active here on Steemit!

Good one! You can't go wrong with broccoli, It's a key veggie in nutrition, fitness and health.

And it tastes great too when eaten raw :)

very good ! thx for sharing this post