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RE: Was 9/11 an Inside Job? I Don’t Know and Neither Do You.

in #conspiracy8 years ago

I haven't devoted my life to this investigation or anything like that. Like I said, I'm no expert. I haven't done nearly as much research as you. I'll try to watch those videos you recommended.


I love your genuineness. That's the feeling I got from your article and comment. Sorry if I might have come up a bit authoritarian.

The first documentary is a easier watch then the second one. Also both authors made their documentary/lecture available for free on Youtube.

The second one, the lecture goes into more depth about the demolition. The lecture is a scientist. I don't remember is specialization.

I feel like everyone should at least watch the first documentary. A lot of the families of the victims are behind 2-3 documentaries exposing the facts proving the towers were control demolition.

This is a bare minimum we can do for those family members who have gone to every hearing about 911 yet feel like their questions we're answered or are out rightly saying we've been lied to about what brought down the towers.