One always hears about secret orders, such as the Freemasons and Illuminati, however there is an order even more secret, said to be controlling the entire globe behind the scenes and orchestrating the New World Order via the afore mentioned brotherhoods. They are the ‘ The Society of Jesus’ or more commonly referred to as the ‘Jesuits’, and although known, they are not heard of that often.
The Jesuit Order was founded by Ignatius of Loyola, whom was a Spanish knight until he was severely wounded in the act of battle. Whilst he was recovering he went through a so called spiritual journey, and thereafter he decided to combine his military experience with the newly found spiritualism in him, to establish an order within the Roman Catholic Church, of which the main purpose will be to serve as the Pope’s deterrent to the Protestant Reformation and bring the whole world back to the Roman Catholic Church by any means possible.
During the Emperor Nero’s and thereafter Diocletian’s rule, Christianity was seen as huge threat to the Roman Catholic Church, and subsequently the Christians were heavily persecuted, some even tortured and killed. Bibles were burned and banned and many Christians started practicing their beliefs underground to avoid persecution. The Jesuits, said to be the ‘Foot soldiers’ of the Roman Catholic church were responsible for all these acts to in an attempt to exterminate Christianity.
The war between Christians and Roman Catholics wages on today, with many Christians believing that Roman Catholicism is Paganism rooted in the ‘mystery schools of Babylon’ and that the upper echelon of the Vatican hierarchy are in fact Gnostic Luciferians working towards a ‘One World Order.
Another way in which they have succeeded with their plan to bring back the world to the Roman catholic Church more recently, was to infiltrate all of their enemies’ political structures, religions and schools by disguising themselves as missionaries to those whom are in need and willing to accept their favours in return for selling their countries and souls to the Roman Catholic Church.
The order appears to be humanitarian and concerned with aiding humanity, but make no mistake, this almost appears as a front for their hidden agenda to dominate the world and should the time come to take more progressive action, nobody will be spared regardless of their age, race or gender. This is evident in their oath which can be read here:
Today, The head of the Jesuit Order is Adolfo Nicholas. His title is Superior General of the Jesuits or alternatively, The Black Pope. Conspiracy theorists believe that he is the real power behind the Illuminati, every government intelligence agency, religion and the military in the world. The white Pope is even rumoured to be under his command.
This would make the Black Pope the secret controller, master and puppeteer of the ‘New World Order’ agenda!
@sophiasunkel LOVED reading this post. They are controlling to such an extent that we don't even realize we're being controlled. If we don't wake up from the matrix they will continue to create our realties for us. Sending you some good vibes.
totally ! think we dont even realise the extent of their control. they control every aspect of everything.