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RE: Chemtrails Happening All Around The World, Could This Be Biological Weapons?

in #conspiracy8 years ago

Thank you for the information. it is really scary stuff especially if it is inevitable and nothing we can do to prevent it from happening.

I think that in the recent months there has been a huge buildup in their preperation for the NWO agenda with the Fema Camps and RFID chipping. Basically all that the elite need to do is create a 'disaster' which then gives them the right to house everyone in FEMA camps for their 'Protection'. In the event of a so called disaster the Federal Emergenvy Management Unit can overide the entire constitution which protects human rights.

They can further confiscate food, water, property and assign jobs/ duties to those in the FEMA camps under the guise of ' disaster management' but what it really is, is an easy way to enslave everyone quickly! As you say it is just a matter of time.