What is this mysterious satellite nicknamed ‘ The Black Night Satellite’ which is orbiting the earth, and has been transmitting radio signals for over 50 years?
In 1899, Nikola Tesla is alleged to have picked up radio signals, which he believed were from an intelligent source in space, and it is now suggested that the signals that Nikola Tesla received was from the ‘Dark Knight’. It was during a time, before anything had been launched in to space from earth yet, as we did not yet have the technology and capability.
Ham Radio also seemed to have picked up these transmissions, and the operator is said to have decoded the transmission, which explained that the Black Knight satellite originated from the Epsilon Bootes Star System 13000 years ago, but there is no way of determining the legitimacy of this claim.
The USA and Soviet Union have had much interest in this satellite, and had been monitoring the ‘ Dark Knight’ for many years, yet despite their obvious interest, has dismissed it as being space debris, and later also claimed that it was a lost thermal blanket from an EVA (Extravehicular Activity).
It was spotted on a number of occasions, and its orbit around the earth is said to be different from any of the other objects orbiting earth, as it was moving twice as fast as everything and weighs about 10 tons.
Is this an ancient satellite orbiting the earth or space debris? I also wonder, why with our current technology, very capable of retrieving objects from space, has it not been retrieved yet?
I think that somebody knows something, and likely does not want the public to know the truth!
I really want to know what this is!
Wow the way moon is coming out at the end is awesome . upvoted you :-)