hey, I am not sure how you jump from the idea of synchronicity to the (in my mind completely different) idea of retrocausality.
But I enjoyed the article anyway.
I have really staggering amounts of synchronicity and coincidence in my life.
I would be a fool to not think there is more to it than meets the eye.
but I don't get the idea of the reversal of the cause and effect relationship. And in fact there are many ways using the examples you cited to make a different and completely reasonable argument.
Perhaps one of the crew members of the boat had read the book, and that was how the idea formed.
I just found a fantastic short piece here discussing the matter, and found this gem
Richard Parker is the name of several people in real life and fiction who became shipwrecked, with some of them subsequently being cannibalised by their fellow seamen. Writer Yann Martel in his 2001 novel Life of Pi picked up on these occurrences, surmising "So many Richard Parkers had to mean something", and included a shipwrecked Bengal tiger called "Richard Parker" in the book.
when I look at the clock, it's usually 11:11 (Armistice day) or 9:11 (needs no introduction, although if you want a different angle watch We Arandhati Roy )
big retrocausalistic hugs causing you to already like me even before you met me.
I had written
which is probably more reasonable
Interesting thanks for sharing the link. I looked through the entire site.
Thanks, the in the mind is a primer for my next article! heehee but in a way I see it as all connected maybe under one consciousness or the cosmic mind. Yes, you example is valid like when certain inventors who live countries apart work on the same idea. Sometimes I think out mind (brain) is more like an antenna and idea's come to us. Instead of ideas coming directly from the brain (hard to explain) Thanks for sharing with your comments, very much appreciated.