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RE: Too Much FakeNews . PizzaGate .. NWO WWIII .. Fear-Mongering .. BULLSHIT!

in #conspiracy8 years ago (edited)

Thank you for the comment @gduran..

For sure we can't 'absolutely' dismiss the possibility of anything, but probability ..

For those of us who wish to see an end to government, correctly identifying it as a gang that consumes a great deal of OUR resources while greatly limiting our individual freedom, should be joyful if there was in-fact a "plan" to establish a "World Government", for one simple reason .. it will accelerate its end. The greater the centralization the weaker the system .. and more so over time (see Ancient Rome).

But sure, someone has a plan in their desk and maybe they have few people who like the idea ... everyone who has been given any of the above mentioned resources has plans - yes, FEMA has 'plans' to deal with massive domestic social unrest in the wake of any number of disasters ... there are "plans" to mine the permafrost on the moon, and undoubtedly someone, somewhere, at sometime wrote a report suggesting what the first thing we should do is if ever time-travel was invented! :)

The elites are powerful, yes indeed, and if they all worked in-concert over a generation or two, they could manipulate governments and publilc sentiment toward accepting ... pretty much anything. If World Government is one of them .. well, they have failed miserably. I think again that the entire mass corporate media system is already doing the manipulation job that they desire, one that allows them to continue to exist as they are, and have always been.