Weather modification is very real. It has been happening for nearly 100 years.
Here are some links which people may find helpful:
1967 - US Gov't Memorandum for Operation Popeye
List of Weather Modification Patents
The you tube channel 'WeatherWar101' is also worth checking out -
The implications of these programs are massive e.g. climate change, natural disasters etc. Thanks for writing about this @tremendospercy
Thanks for the info and support mate.
I know you're well aware of this subject and no doubt more averse than most.
Cheers for the links too dude, I did check out weatherwar 101 when you dropped me a link in discord. Interesting stuff, I'll get deeper into it when I have the time.
I'm sure there are many aspects to it that I suspect are still hidden from us, hopefully this post will get some folks thinking and digging into the subject, the more the better.