Nathan Stoplman, a popular Youtuber covering "truth" topics on the web, comes off a kind of a cat lady. His cat Doshi appears in every video, perched atop a cat tree. Nathan often refers to the cat as the producer of the show and states that he channels the will of the cat. Nathan shares Doshi's cat wisdom as some kind of divine channeler.
(Before I go any further, I should point out that this, me implying that Nate is weird, is most certainly the pot calling the kettle black. A quick trip to my channel confirms it, whether you click the video about reptilians in New Orleans or you need to figure out how to do an exorcism of bad energy within your home space. Hey, we all have our "thing.")
Weird is one of the things Nathan and I have in common. The other thing we have in common is being stalked online.
Nathan doesn't know me personally. When I saw, almost a year ago, that we were being stalked by some of the same shadowy people I attempted to reach out to him. I even had a mutual friend - one of the most trustworthy ladies online - try to set up communication. By that time, Nathan had already been through some serious online shenanigans and was blocking everyone. He was on his Drake shit and there were going to be no new friends. No, no new.
It only got worse for Nathan. It was hard to watch. Glinda the Good Witch of the Internet stood by Nathan's side. When he climbed into a car to go meditate with Quinn Michaels in the middle of a forest crawling with preppers, agents and psuedo-monks, I hopped off.
I would like to ask Nathan about that particular period of time. It seemed it was touch-and-go. I feel he was being forced to do something by someone. It all seemed very unnatural. I don't think Doshi was the producer of that episode.
Over the past week, Nathan has revealed a lot of information from the time period in question. While some folks gloss over it as fake news, it has rocked my online world. In all of his nerdy, cat-channeling glory, Nathan said things that no one could know unless they were, in fact, stalked online by a band of merry pranksters.
I don't know whether it is strategy or his general, nice-person demeanor, but Nathan has been very kind to the folks who have (allegedly) tortured him online for the better part of a year. Maybe this is why Glinda, our mutual friend, stuck with him. Maybe he is simply a good, kind person worth sticking up for.
While others preach truth and reconciliation, I preach justice. I spent years in a criminal courtroom, years in trial. I'm about that life. I want these bullies tarred and feathered, brought out into the town square. I want to slap a scarlet letter "T" on their chests to let the world know they are traitors.
Defango can stuff his oh-so-wise platitudes (excuses) straight up his presumably-hairy ass. Intel Valor can get on the treadmill and eat a series of salads to keep busy. It's easy to pack on pounds when you leave the service, especially when you sit on your ass all day trolling housewives, Georgia gingers, and cat guys on a quest for zen. I would love to see some make-up videos from Traitor Beanz.
Defango claims that his participation in this online fuckery was done with good, totally pure intentions.
Traitor Beanz states "I don't know if Q is real and I don't care." I am not sure when she had her lobotomy, but I hope it was professionally done. I hope she didn't get some back-alley lobotomy in Dave Action's command vehicle or something. I could be wrong. Maybe she is a chiphead now with only one phrase programmed into her synthetic brain "We don't need facts, we have Q now." I am at a loss. I really loved her on a personal level but when I get angry I tend to say things I mean. It is what it is, right?
Roy Potter is an admitted polygamist (People Magazine, 1983 "Ex-Cop Royston Potter Runs Afoul of Utah Law but Not His Three Wives") Why does he spend so much time online? Is he trying to find Wife #5, Wife #6 & Wife #7? Turn on the old "man-in-uniform" charm (even though he was stripped of his cop uniform)? I don't care to speculate as to what that crusty old codger is up to all hours of the night.
Atop of this pyramid (yes, I said pyramid) of fuckery sit the usual suspects.
THAT is why I am deeply disappointed in Traitor Beanz and Defamego. You are FAR from the only folks who have shadowy puppet-masters slide into your DM's, flattering you, telling you that you are the smartest and only YOU can help us with this important mission. Haven't you see The Interview? He's honey-dickin you. You're being honey-dicked!
I know of at least three more Youtubers with massive followings who turned DOWN those proposals. There is a back-story. There was a lot of talk. If you think you are truly are the three smartest folks on the entire internet, if you believed the lie, I am here to burst your bubble. Youtubers with teeny, tiny followings (like 423 subs) received those messages, too. It had nothing to do with your following or the size of your reach, your intelligence, your performance. It happened because you were egotistical or stupid (probably both) and you took the bait. You are TRAITORS and FOOLS. Prepare yourselves for a good, old-fashioned shunning.
Your egos - or was it your massive insecurities - led you to betray quite literally millions of people who trust you, love you and, perhaps most importantly, FUND you. Maybe I am giving ya'll too much credit for being dumb. Maybe you are just selfish twats, in it for the money. While disappointing, it won't be the most shocking thing I have heard all year.
I'm done. The mic is on the floor and I am going to hang out with my cat.
Thank you for this. Nathan is a class act, despite the abuse he endures. Doshi is the eye candy at LTV and keeps Nathan grounded.
Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I don't like it one bit what has been done to him and to so many others.