The Las Vegas shooting seems very off to me.
There's obviously an agenda to overturn the Second Amendment and take the people's guns away. I fear that Las Vegas was a false flag to further increase the power of the State over the individual.
Apparently, the shooter, Stephen Paddock, had purchased 33 guns in the past year (there's your freemason link, the highest degree of the freemasons being 33). He had 23 guns in his room (apparently; again you get your two 3's = 33).
He was apparently on the 32nd floor (this can again be considered a variation on 33). He had been collecting guns since 1982 = 1910 = 9-11 (another occult reference). He apparently shot at the crowd for 9-11 minutes (another occult reference, of course remembering 9-11 attack)- why not just say around 10 minutes?
1982 to now is also 35 years and he was in room 32135 (32+1 = 33, 35).
Then you've got to ask how he was able to get 23 guns into a hotel room, take out the glass and shoot so many people. What was his motive? Was he really going to use 23 guns in 9 minutes, that's more than 1 gun every 30 seconds. That doesn't make much sense at all. This seems to have been designed to have as much guns and bullets as possible to further the agenda of fooling the people into a Satanic elite taking their right to defend themselves away from them.
This story stinks to high heaven.
My gut says something is very wrong with this!
Along with the occult symbols.... Take a look at the Luxor hotel overlooking the venue... Pyramid, obolisk, sphinx