I am the Tin Hat wear #18

in #conspiracy8 years ago

CIA Agent Whistleblower Risks All To Expose The Shadow Government. You may think you do not need to concern yourself with this kind of info because the guberment is on its way out, due to the crypto worlds entrance into our reality.


S.Kate of Spindle Cat Studio
Owner, Maker, Designer, Cat Herder
An Eclectic Creative: spins wool, dyes yarn and bends metal while tending to the ministries of the resident SpindleCats
link to purchase:

You would be wrong. These guys are NOT going down without a fight.

Who is the producer Dane Wigington: He is the man who brought chemtrails to the science community to reveal the composition within those chemtrails. His fight, is our fight. This guy does blow hot air! He gets the facts and then produces shows to expose the TRUTH!

I know it is long but just give it 15 minutes and then if you do not want to watch the whole thing, you will be deciding with background.