Some of you may have noticed we have not posted an article in a few weeks. We wanted to let you know we did not forget about you all and we are ok. 6 months ago, we posted an article How do you unwind after a hard day? (Real conspiracy theorist play gamez) and that is where we have been. Our favorite game released a patch and the next thing we knew we have not posted an article in weeks. Some of you have expressed to us that you come to us to find out what is going on in the United States so here is what we thought you might want to know about. Please note most of this did not make headlines.

Black Water in Mississippi?
In Mendenhall MS the water that is coming out of faucets is black back in June. There is no boil water notice for the residents there, in fact they have been told the water is safe to drink. The Poplar Springs Water District claims that the water is fine and the only reason that has turned black is because there is too much iron in it. Residents have stated that the water leaves stains and have tried using everything (even bleach) but the discolored water will not go away. This lasted roughly a week and we are happy to report that the water is finally back to normal though we couldn't help but think about Flint Michigan when we read this. Are they playing with our water supply?

More marine life dying off in Florida
Fish, sea turtles, eels, goliath groupers and even manatees washed ashore dead on Boca Grande beach in Florida at the beginning of July. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation went on record say that “Red Tide” is likely the cause. According to the National Ocean Service
“A Red Tide, formally known as a harmful algal bloom (HAB), occurs when “colonies of algae — simple plants that live in the sea and freshwater — grow out of control while producing toxic or harmful effects on people, fish, shellfish, marine mammals, and birds.”
They went on record also saying
“This bloom, like many HABs, is caused by microscopic algae that produce toxins that kill fish and make shellfish dangerous to eat. The toxins may also make surrounding air difficult to breathe. As the name suggests, the bloom of algae often turns the water red,” according to the service.”
More marine life dies and we get told that it is red tide? Let's recall back to when various bodies of water all over the world were turning red and they blamed it on red tide… that was the first time we ever heard about red tide.
Yellowstone National Park
With the volcano eruption in Hawaii still causing issues we thought that what is going on in Yellowstone is worth mentioning. On July 6th,2018 the Steamboat Geyser erupted for the eleventh time in 2018. This time it lasted 32 minutes. US Geological Survey Department said the geyser has decided to follow a semi-regular pattern of erupting every 6-8 days over the past two months; however, it had been 20 days 20 hours 42 minutes since the last eruption on June 15. Here is a list of the eruptions:

Another water ‘issue’ but this time in Tennessee?
This time it happened in Gatlinburg TN. E. coli was found in the water at a zipline attraction and nearly 550 visitors reported illness. This happened from mid-June to early July. Climb Works Zip Line Canopy Tour did shut down the attraction to sanitize everything and added more filtration to water wells after July 4th when the health department did an investigation.
We are beginning to notice that more and more issues with water are being reported… just like wildlife and marine life dying off… What does it all mean? That is what we are asking ourselves.

Exotic Ticks in the US?
An invasive species of “exotic” tick native to east Asia has been discovered in North Carolina called the Longhorned tick. They are aggressive biters and are capable of spreading disease. The females reproduce without a male so a single female can create a colony anywhere in the state. Longhorned ticks are believed to have been introduced into the country via New Jersey and have recently been found in Arkansas, Virginia, West Virginia and now North Carolina… looks like they are spreading.

TBLWhat has been going on in your part of the world? We would really love to hear what you have to say on this matter. Please leave your thoughts, comments and/or concerns below. As always thank you for taking your time to read our article. If you would like to view more of our work please visit our steemit page @truthbeyondlies or check out our website
perfect timing :) just got through all my replies while my head seems to be somewhat in better balance than the last few months .
I find steemit bite serious chunks out of my gaming time too, but still cant wait to get my hands on the new release of Soulcalibur for pc ... hopefully not before i can pre-order for the bonus character . The screenshot looks like an MMO but i can't discern which one. Used to play everquest like a real neet until i turned into one of those neetakus who dont shower for two days ... phew, glad that's over..
I think i'm one of those people who likes to get news from all sides and yes, i found things more than once while googling after reading your posts. Stuff that wouldnt make the news here for sure (makes sense if it doesnt overthere :)
As for the water , i don't think they actually waste time on messing with it on purpose, i think it's purely neglect, their wasting no time on it. Outdated infrastructure, some of it dating back to the 60s or before, shifting tectonics, changing climate, and politics does one thing, right ?
take the money and run , lol
that's one of many things that's clear beyond doubt if you combine fringe and mainstream, inner and outer layers of information , but that's more like a public secret ofcourse.
There's a "plague" here too , its heavy in france , box moth , left free without a natural predator the larvae just consume the shrubs and theres virtually nothing to do about it :) ... not the first time, not the last im afraid. Article itself is in flemish (people dont speak english here and the UK has strict quarantine rules as an island so they're probably spared for now ... they got their own problems though) . But in public, ... the red devils got to the top of footy and its tour de france
Panem et Circenses ... divide et impera, nothing much changed since then hahah
someone recently shard something in a reply that probably will interest you too
glad i get to reading other peoples work again and good to have you back, see you around @truthbeyondlies :)
you know where to find me : https://steemit.com/introduction/@rudyardcatling/rudyardcatling-signature-post-20180719
We both know exactly what you mean, personally I think only a true gamer would understand the not showering ^^ Some of these games have great stories in them that you can just dive into and forget about all the bothers you for a few hours (days if you find a really good one ^^).
Nothing of importance seems to make it MSM Headlines over here. The news has programmed so many people.
With the water personally I think there is more going on then what we have uncovered so far... Just the articles that have surfaced about the water in the US makes me feel like if I just try to dig a little deeper I might really find something.
The video is very interesting... People are seeing this and the majority is acting like there is nothing strange with marine life dying at the rate it is... Almost like this is normal. Same with wildlife too... or the zombie raccoons... No really there are articles about zombie raccoon in the US.
Can't make this stuff up lol
Well, for a planet full of water its been coming for a while now, a lot of scientists have been warning, its not just global warming, by 2050 there will be so many humans there will simply not be enoug fertile SOIL to plant on , and not enough drinking water either
so maybe these are the first signs of the apocalypse, south america and certain places in africa definitely might grow to a situation where water is worth more than gold, which means it certainly will be more than a human life
those poor animals are probably poisoned with some chemical waste in the environment or maybe they're just completely stressed out and disoriented, whatever it is , it would be a logical conclusion for nature to strike back protecting itself before its all gone
the clock is definitely ticking ... good thing there's dark souls, right, tv is too depressing :p
thanks a lot for the vote omg, thats a nice boost , glad to see you didnt throw the towel in the ring there ... a lot of people just disappear after a while , tried too hard and dont get what they expected ...
thats why its best to do what you do, right ? that way you'll never grow tired of it , even if it doesnt pay right away
im gonna hide for the day, i think they moved the sun closer to earth, im already not too fond of summer but today is really over the top
that raccoon was drooling , right ? must be some kind of chemical or plant
whatever it might be you can be at least 99% sure humans are the cause
Funny you should link the water article... we posted an article about this 5 months ago. I remember reading that article during the research phase. Our article is here if you want to check it out. That is why I think there is more to the water issues... not to mention most of this never made MSM.
Who needs tv when all a person has to do is look at whats going on around the world... Its sad to say but truthful.
You are more than welcome for the boost! We are not going to throw in the towel, we just took a break. Our game had a story patch that came out and we played that, not to mention we took a loss on SBD, so it was time for a break. For us we never put expectations on this, I just wanted our work to be seen... simple lol
This has been a hot summer so completely understand hiding for the day ^^
It has to be some kind of chemical... animals do not just turn like that... and yes there is no doubt humans did it.
i didnt have any expectations before hahah, but this turns out to be an option that wasnt anyhwere near possible so since i already have nothing and i'm going nowhere its safe to say this is the only option that might change that ... the spike in SBD if you look at the year chart is cleary a classic hype and dump there, unless the powers that be on mount olympusTEEM here think its a good idea to force a $1-peg while the supply-demand pushes it another way ... forced reactions are never good they tend to follow up with the universes urge for balance, revolution slides away back into dictatorship most of the time too
I dont know about the weather manipulation or if anyone has the power to, they probably could if they would, a lot of stuff would be possible by now
i'm not sure they could manage a space elevator which would solve the problem of getting payloads out of orbit ... in some combined way with solar power and maglev tubes it might work but i'm not an engineer .. definitely not a space-engineer haha. But there's many things they COULD,
a hangar could be built extra atmosphere, a veritable hangar and small vessel factory, a supply line could be set up from here to the moon and back , mars probably since they can get there, resources out there are untapped and the more you can manage to get back the further you can expand
all NOT at the cost of the planet.
those things are all 99.9% technically possible, the only thing in the way is ofcourse, as alway
i mean you can't have the russians beat you to the moon so co-operation is out of the question, you cant trust the chinese to respect your space-patent so co-operation is out of the question and in the end we get stuck down here, in the most biblical sense, never to see the heavens again, because recources down here are NOT in infinite supply. I like to say "you can't launch a rocket on a woodstove" but seeing as most rare minerals are used to produce iThings looking cool swiping seems to be more important than the ticking clock.
If they dont manipulate the weather on purpose they surely did by negligence. Part of the shift and warming can be claimed by natural processes and cycles, but there has never been an artificial emission and spill of non-native(to nature) chemicals (gasses in the air, condensing to the soil, the whole ecosystem is permeated with plastic particles)
there's no telling what the efffect will be because there is no precedent
the water problem and planet sustainability is on the table in science-land for over 20 years now
no one listens, its not their problem right, if anything they might do , since its what they always do, if water WERE to run out soon, they would make sure they have enough for a liftetime or two and literally
leave us all hanging out to dry :)
sad but true indeed
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Want to promote your posts too? Send 0.05+ SBD or STEEM to @emperorofnaps to receive a share of a full upvote every 2.4 hours...Then go relax and take a nap!
Great to see you back again!
Thank you... it has been a little while ^^
You got a 3.12% upvote from @emperorofnaps courtesy of @truthbeyondlies!
Want to promote your posts too? Send 0.05+ SBD or STEEM to @emperorofnaps to receive a share of a full upvote every 2.4 hours...Then go relax and take a nap!
Thank you that is amazing!
Most welcome!
something else that might be in your line of interest btw
LMAO they will tell us anything.
"Dont drink it, it is bad for you.... No wait we are kidding, drink it, for real its good for you. "
taking it all into account
the points to take away would be that it does NOT show beneficial effects regarding to weight loss or diabetes so that's already where i start wondering why not use just sugar ?
its the money , right ? the chemical must be a lot easier to produce and what most people don't read on the packaging is how it says (at least here)
x percent of daily recommended maximum dose PER BOTTLE, or per can, or per pack of chewing gum, it doesnt say "you should not drink more than 2 or more than 3 bottles a day if you already had other products with the same chemicals in it"
it clearly doesnt say that, it says "this specific container is safe if you consume it and nothing else"
thats what it says between the lines, i dont know about the regulations in the states but its just some bit of smoke and mirrors really,
it's not a lie, so the legalists are happy, but considering the amount of care your average joe takes into account consuming everything around it might as well be
like you say "Its not bad", euh "ITS GOOD" for you heh
pure money, fields of sugarcane or beets or whatever cost a lot more to produce and maintain than some metal container in a factory, right ?
Very good point. I used to drink diet pop and I have to admit I was always sluggish even had a hard time losing weight and so on. I stop drinking it and I felt better and my weight was easier to control. So from a personal stand point there is nothing good about Aspartame.
That metal container may be cheaper... We would rather pay a little extra for something that is natural than some chemical that was whipped up as a cheaper alternative.
i think we shouldnt have to pay extra for something thats natural lol ... i drink a lot of iced tea lately from all kinds of stuff my mother grows in the garden they have in france (where they spend most of the years ... which as i often need to stress, does not mean that i have money) and it suits me just fine, i usually drink bottled water, and i prefer glass but they dont sell those in every supermarket and they dont sell those on home delivery too, must be something insurance and risk , or maybe once more too much hassle to take the glass back. and a few cups of coffee a day.
the occasional bender might happen but that seems to be only a problem to other people who can't manage doing that for two days and then stop
but thats about it, i have smoked four cigarettes in the last two days though, thats alarming since i quit for years and i barely ever, only when im out with friends and have a few beers i might take one if someone offers
but no more at home so i'm thinking i have to restrain myself lol, not out of some silly moral, it just seems like a waste after years of not
i assume the only thing containing aspartame i have here is the box of chewing gum on my desk, i wouldnt know where to find any without it anymore really

rosehip-ice tea and chewing gum ... party !
i really think natural stuff should be cheaper, not something you have to pay more for lol, that sounds like
only natural to me
Aspartame (APM) is an artificial non-saccharide sweetener used as a sugar substitute in some foods and beverages. In the European Union, it is codified as E951. Aspartame is a methyl ester of the aspartic acid/phenylalanine dipeptide.
A panel of experts set up by the European Food Safety Authority concluded in 2013 that aspartame is safe for human consumption at current levels of exposure.
wow great news sir..
Thank you... Anything like these happen where you are?
hey how are you ? it has been months we hadnt seen you
as you were saying :p
Hey, sorry that it has been so long since we have been here to update. There are a lot of big changes going on in personal life that have been taking up so much of our time lately that we barely have had any time to do research. (Right now it is 1:39pm and I personally and running on fumes trying to last until tonight so that I can get to bed at a decent hour but I wanted to stop in and personally tell you that it is people like you (not steem,sbd) that are the reason why we do this. We hope to have everything back to normal soon enough and ty for being patient with us.
yo man, life first (if you have one you probably should lol)
i was just thinking about your abscence as i read this :
you have no obligations to anyone here and i wont mind a msg if you decide its time to come back, stay safe