The 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak in West Africa (Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone) was first reported in March 2014. It rapidly became the deadliest occurrence of the disease since its discovery in 1976, with more than 11,300 dead. There are five species of Ebola, four which have caused the disease in humans: Zaire, Sudan, Tai Forest, and Bundibugyo. The fifth, Reston, was discovered in Virginia and has infected only monkeys.

What is Ebola?
The virus is a hemorrhagic fever and you would have to come in direct contact with bodily fluids – such as blood, vomit or urine – of someone that is already sick and showing symptoms (flu like symptoms such as fatigue, fever and vomiting) in order to "catch" it. People get the sweats, along with body aches and pains. Then the vomiting and uncontrollable diarrhea set in. Infected people more often than not experience dehydration. The more common symptoms appear anywhere from two to twenty-one days after being exposed to the virus. It has been reported that some people go into shock and may even begin to bleed. In cases that are fatal, death tends to happen anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks after getting sick. Survivors are said to return to “normal” after months of recovery which can include periods of hair loss, hearing loss and other sensory changes, weakness, extreme fatigue, headaches, and eye and liver inflammation.

Ebola's timeline and what we should know?
Until May 8th the most recent outbreak was a year ago in May 2017. It killed four of the eight people infected and was declared “over” July 2017. You might be asking yourself why did they say until May 8th? On May 8th the World Health Organization (WHO) published this article saying that there are two confirmed cases of Ebola. The Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo declared a new outbreak in Bikoro in Equateur Province, when the Ministry of Health of Democratic of the Congo (DCR) informed Who that two out of five samples collected from five patients tested positive for Ebola at the Institut National de Recherche Biomédicale (INRB) in Kinshasa. It is important to not that more specimens are being collected for testing so there maybe more cases of Ebola to come. This is the DCR’s ninth outbreak of Ebola since the discovery of the virus in the country in 1976. In the past 5 weeks (April 4th) there have been twenty-one suspected viral hemorrhagic fevers, including seventeen deaths.

The United States and Ebola
The article was released around the same time that President Trump wanted to rescind the remaining $252 million from the 2015 Ebola outbreak fund as a part of his plan to cut down on excessive spending. Ron Klain, who severed as Ebola czar under President Obama during the last major crisis, described the request as a serious mistake and went on record say:
“It means that when we have a serious problem in the future—it’s just a question of when—we will have to wait for Congress to act,”
We would like to point out that Klain said WHEN not if…

Could this be the reason Ebola is getting attention again?
While there is no specific treatment for Ebola, there was a vaccine that was used to “treat” it during the 2014-2016 epidemic. Reports claim that the vaccine is highly effective even though it is still experimental and has not been licensed. The vaccine was tested in a trial involving nearly 12,000 people in Guinea and Sierra Leone during 2014 - 2016. Among the 5,837 people who recieved the vaccine, no Ebola cases were recorded. By comparison, there were 23 Ebola cases in the control group that had not gotten the vaccine which was discovered by the Public Health Agency of Canada and is now under development by the drug company Merck. Peter Salama, WHO’s Deputy Director-General of Emergency Preparedness and Response, said he spoke to Cong’s Health Minister Oly Ilunga on May 10th and hoped to get approval within days to use a vaccine.

Now it is your turn!
T.B.LAre we possibly seeing another vaccination agenda? We would really like to hear your thoughts, comments and/or concerns about this matter below. As always thank you for taking your time to read our article. If you would like to view more of our work you can visit our steemit page @truthbeyondlies or check out our website
I'm very suspicious of the timing of all this, and a great many other things.
Right, the time of this is skeptical. The DCR had an "outbreak" in May 2017 but the world heard nothing about it so it does make one question why now?
Thank you too for this information. I'm also a West African, Ghanaian. It's always a problem to hear of the Ebola outbreak in neighboring countries. We always fear that perhaps someone may come into the country with this disease. I wish there's vaccines come early so that government support a mass immunisation so that the snare of this s deadly disease will be gone forever.
You are welcome. When we (tbl is a team) first seen that this virus was "back" we instantly thought about when it was in Africa. That was a horrible time and we can only imagine what this must be like for you and people in your country. Good luck! Let's pray that this does not spread and that you all remain safe.
Yeah. We are waiting on God.
Good article and appreciate the information.
In regards to vaccinations hmm. There is big players involved that will make a lot of money promoting a vaccine and possibly rigging the results to show how effective it is. Never underestimate the power of big companies to use their money to influence results of research. Also those
who think that Merck and WHO are not biased by money are only keeping your heads in the sand. Not at present but someday we will get honest unbiased researchers to oversee these results. I wish to find the answer as well but do not trust those big corporations as money is there only goal and research results can be paid for.
You bring up a VERY good point. The companies that make vaccines like this one are in it for the money. It would not be a far stretch to think that the results could be exaggerated to show a positive result. In the world we live in, we (tbl is a team) take nothing at face value and research a lot. I (not speaking for my partner on this part) have the mind frame if MSM is reporting it then it is a lie and research to prove a lie. It is sad when I think about it because my personality is positive (the glass is half full so enjoy ^^). Companies have always been out for the profit and companies are only loyal to that profit. Thank you, that is a great point that people really should consider when hearing information like this.
Am really sorry, with what this ebola can do. However, during my daily chores, there is something special i came across. Great post there. Apart from the lessons learnt, i have also come to understand three effective ways of accomplishing more in life.
#1 Play the Game
We have a tendency to take ourselves too seriously. This often results in becoming too stiff and unyielding when it comes to changing our plans and adapting to new situations. Being flexible and able to see how our circumstances can serve us is critical to our success.
#2 Purge the Distractions
First, it’s important to know the distinction between what’s truly good for you and what you use as a distraction. This can be tricky. For example, spending two hours on Facebook isn’t very productive, unless it’s part of your job. When we’re trying to distract ourselves, it’s usually because we’re supposed to do something challenging.
#3 Write Down Ideas to Make Them Count
Our minds are constantly in a bind, always working, chattering and in that noise, good ideas are born, but they can be easily lost. Nurturing the habit of writing down your ideas and thoughts is by far one of the best things you can do. It allows you to remember your creative outbursts, even when you can’t make use of them right away.
Spam-bots suck. Do you have any idea how many times I've seen this same exact crap from you @cryptofy on other peoples posts. Your really making me want to give out my first flag.
Algo muy lamentable en los ciudadanos de África, terrible y muy delicado tema:(
It is terrible and sad that they have went through this.
Así es amigo
:) well that's probably the wrong smiley but yea, so it seems
One question I have been asking since learning that there is "another outbreak" is this going to be like the one from 2014? Are we going to be bombard with MSM reports about who has Ebola now?
i cant really speak about that, it never even hit the news for long here , i didnt even know there had been cases in the americas but thats television for you lol, pre-chewed to make sure it doesn't startle the natives out of their daily routines, i bet that's not too different overthere, seeing as not too long ago the war in Syria seems to have been portrayed as 'something new' while assad has been gassing his citizens for i dont know how many years now while both the eagle and the bear have been using no-mans land to test out their new gimmicks, tricks and strategies ... dis-information is still the norm, it hasn't changed much since the 50s ... well at least that's what it looks like. I don't think i turned on the television in about three or four months ... my parents sometimes do when they're in belgium (retired people they spend a lot of time in their little shed-on-the-hill in france) but for me all it does is aggravate me, and i'm already aggravated by default in the past years, takes a lot of willpower to keep it inside sometimes but well
he who angers you controls you right ? best to keep it cool and level :)
I like the way you put "pre-chewed" that is a good way of describing the news over here. We do not watch any MSM media unless we see it in passing (someone else watching and we overhear a story). We both gave up on MSM news a long time ago. It is best to keep cool and level, but if your are like us, you lose it from time to time ^^.
i agree, that can't be avoided ... i've always wanted a soundproof shouting room with stuff to break and baseballbats hahah but i m afraid its above my paygrade for now , i used to keep it on in the back switching between the 400+ channels from ccn to russia today to cctv to bloomberg and back and at the end of the day i found i could sometimes distill a bit out of the same topics as reported by every single channel, because its all "coloured" ofcourse , there's an underlying opinion but in the end the conclusion remains the same : its 90% politics and 10% advertisting, sometimes 50-50 but they have no intention of bringing the actual facts as facts
on my last job ( a while ago ) i bought a shiney 50 inch plasma tv ... i used it mainly for windows games now, if i ever because i'm not really a gamer anymore either, sadly, i used to find lots of fun in that, it's escapism after all, just like reading a book would be
sifting through both content and data here and a bit of interaction with a diverse group of people gets me a lot more than being fed by "the methadone metronome"
if you don't mind a laugh btw : i just had one -->
americans have a bit of the reputation of being the most chauvinist, narcist culture on the planet overhere, but that's because people
only watch TV, lol, they never see the critics and the free thinkers
It would be nice to have a room that you could just let it all out in... I started like that, would keep the TV on for "background noise" until I noticed that I still was keeping up with the MSM... Nowadays it is videos that are playing a subject I am researching . We use our TV's as monitors now. What games did you play? We play FFXIV from time to time (we are taking a break from it right now, hopefully they will release a patch that has story in it before we go back to it ^^)
I watched the video. Most Americans do not understand this, its depressing. I can understand and even see why Americans are thought of like that. Do not get me wrong, I love my country and what it could be! I do have to say that America has an "all about me" society. It is all about being "better" than everyone else, the problem is being "better" is all about what you have and not who you are. There are a few of us that know better...a few lol.
I watched this one a while back. It was so great to see an entertaining bit of cartoon truth.
Good? Not sure what you mean by that, can you explain?