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RE: The Ongoing Crisis in Venezuela and the "Petro Coin"

The partner here ^^ - Yes it is horrible and it is looking like more countries are falling in the same direction, none are as extreme at the moment, but no one should turn their head at this point. Just a handful of greedy people can bring a country like Venezuela to its knees is something to be terrified about.

Thank you for the link you provided. It is not surprising that they would say the coin is backed by oil... That is what they are known for, but even Maduro himself said he wanted to create this coin backed by oil yet somehow never give up a drop of oil for it... so people need to keep that in the back of their minds. I think that it is safe to conclude that if Maduro is not willing to really give up oil for the Petro, he is not going to give up gold for the ‘Petro Oro’. This is the part where we bang our heads against the wall right?


Honestly I am clueless about what's really going on there in Venezuela. But isn't it essentially the same all over the world? The people get fucked by psychopaths in the government. Some more, some less. And it is getting worse every day

It is fundamentally the same, but what is going on there is far worse than we have ever seen. They really got messed up in all of this mess that these psychopaths created. Yet there are warning signs that this is just the start, we will be hear about and seeing this more and more. Even our own economy has shown signs that we are going to crash...

I was you think a possible big war could "save" us from a collapse or do they plan to have both, a war plus collapse? Both seems to be possible...

Partner here - I think that both are planned. I think we will see WW3, then the collapse (maybe during the war). Your thoughts?

All I can offer is wild speculation. There appears to be two major possibilities.
It could be that the top of the pyramid is more like a snake pit with different agendas and neither one of them has enough power to make their plans happen. That would mean, we are observing a big power struggle at the top.
What does not fit into this option is the fact that we have Zionist on all sides, same pedophilia, same satanic symbols.

Another possibility could be that "nuclear" is not we we believe it is. There is some evidence that atomic bombs do not contaminate for centuries. Hiroshima is a bustling city. The test sites in Nevada are not so radio active as one would assume. I've seen a documentary about people living in Tschernobyl. If this is true, it is possible to have a world war which destroys mostly "human resources", but leaves selected property intact. The emergence of underground bunkers for the elites could also be an indication that they are planning to have a place to go back to once the storm is over. It is also possible that they use weapons we have never heard of and again destroy mostly "human resources' but leave key infrastructure intact. If you look at it would suggest that not total annihilation but a major culling is the plan. In that case, both is possible. War and financial crash to kill off people and transfer their wealth but also have the legal frame work and infrastructure already in place when everything is over and Phoenix rises out of the ashes...

Guess we will find out soon...

The other Partner again - Nothing they do surprises me. I dont pretend to know what they are doing... I can try to piece together what we find... but to truly know, we would have to be in that circle or have a twisted mind like theirs. Neither of which is gonna happen (not on my watch ^^). There are so many agendas being pushed at the moment and I have noticed that at times it seems one agenda take the lime light so to speak. So you could be on to something with them struggling at the top. However you other theory sounds very plausible. I could see them doing this. We know they are up to no good, the question at this point (at least for myself) is how bad is what they are up to.

BTW interesting website. One click lead to another, than another... the next thing I knew two hours had passed. Thank you! I will be going back to that one.

Oh, sorry my friend. I thought you were familiar with The information I was referring to is here:

They forecast the population for each country. It's not easy to find, but pretty scary if they are right...

Us population is supposed to go down from 300 to 50 Million....