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RE: War on Syria: From a Biblical Perspective. (What some might not know)

You are VERY right and we know you don't believe in prophecy but admire that you respect others beliefs ^ ^ (You're always going to be cool in our book) You are an extremely knowledgeable individual and when we have open discussions it shows by the things that you mention which took extensive research (beyond just watching YT videos) to find out. That red heffer is going to play a key part in events to come as the sacrifices must begin again. Funny that when you say Kushner I find a little voice inside SCREAMING at me to talk about what we were researching last night involving New York back before 1644 when it used to be "New Amsterdam" owned/controlled by the Turkish. We were discussing Kushners building (666 5th aveneue which was purchased for 1.8 billion which is three times the amount that the previous owner paid *600million+600million+600million) and I was telling my partner that "If you want to know the secret to the "Now" you have to look to the past. There was not always a building there but I have to stop there because this was research for a possible article once i connect a few more dots involving china and the vatican and their interest in owning that building so much.


LOL. Looking forward to reading it. Specially if it involves China. I have the feeling that China will be the new leader of the (fucked up) world...