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RE: (Whistleblower) CDC MIssing Dr. Body Has Been Found and something seems strange...

We are truly sorry for your loss. While we agree that certain aspects of the investigation just don't seem to add up, there are red flags everywhere that just cannot go unnoticed. What would you say doesn't sit right with you? Did he ever speak about flu-shots or such in random conversation?


Tim was a master secret keeper. No loose lips. I think that part of the story might be bogus. But Tim is the second CDC epidemiologist to suddenly die in almost as many months.

They currently have 2 positions open, one which is for the Lead Epidemiologist and the 2nd for Epidemiologist. We can only speculate that Lead was the position that the MSM is trying to program the masses into believing when they stated on national Tv that"He was upset about being passed over for a promotion" We could understand the need for extreme
secrecy in a work environment that requires such high-level clearance. 2 (not 1 as is being told ) deaths within months does seem non-coincidental on so many levels so we would have to agree with you 100%

Will you post the link to hiring info?

Here is the link to the the Lead position.... it was posted 04/04/2018
Here is the link to the other position... It was posted 04/05/2018. Right after the news broke.