For years now there have been videos on YouTube claiming that people are "reptilian" and like most, we have looked at our fair share but for the most part most of what we've found are usually just click bait. Now we will not take away from the ones that have shown us where people’s eyes change. (Crazy stuff there) There are tons of them out there and some people have really put in the work to show you. We would like for you to view this video from the YouTube channel iamawake2
In this video you can clearly see that Prince Harry’s hand DOES infact change into what looks like a claw. Scary right? We think this is one of the best shapeshifting videos that we personally have come across. Now we ask that you view this video from YouTube Channel Sheeple United Network
This video is from a movie called “The Wiz” which was released in 1978. In the video you can see Richard Pryor’s hand transforming just like Prince Harry’s in the 1st one. (In case you missed it check out the 1-minute mark to the 1:05 mark.) Also in the same video you will see the claw on Diana Ross as well…

TBLSo, there we have it… We have seen actors/actress from the 70’s till the current year. What are your real thoughts on this? Could it be a tricky camera trick or something much more? We would really love to hear what you have to say on this matter. Please leave your thoughts, comments and/or concerns below. As always thank you for taking your time to read our article. If you would like to view more of our work please visit our steemit page @truthbeyondlies or check out our website
I hope its not some camera trick!
We do not think they are camera tricks. We have seen more than one video of this as well. But as always since we did not record this ourselves we are not 100% sure.
o dear, the elusive reptilians ... i should say the notorious reptilians ... i'm not quite 100% at home on the matter but if i remember correctly there are supposed to be three major species , the little grey men, one i forgot (its been a while but i go everywhere hahah) and of the three the most dangerous and invasive : the reptilians.
Actually how i came to it ... an old friend of mine used to hang around in more obscure and occult internet circles ... deep into astrology himself (not the kind you find in magazines but like really the mathematical stuff with the hours of calculations on the positions of the stars and planets) and he was alway ranting about the alien-ists lol, but i never really paid attention to it ...
but i have this thing where i go out with my cat every night for a walk
which probably means i'll be burned at the stake when they get the chance in salems lot but ... to me, stuck in a place where i dont wanna live since i was 15, its the only quiet time of day i get, and even then there's stalker cars and triffids ... sometimes people just coming out and staring .. sometimes people who threaten with the cops because "i should be in bed" as if walking after dark is a crime (if the police state goes a bit further it very well might be) i always say i wanna move to mongolia and ppl think its a joke but its not ... its the least populated area in asia with vast expanse of unbridled nature thats not even polluted, a rich history AND ... no religious wars or bombings ... so that means meeting no humans for days unless i want to basically and plenty of room to roam with my cat but
im getting off track as usual ..
despite the light pollution (belgium is the shiney dot on the map in the center of europe if you look from space) out here (despite even here photonbeamers stand devouring electricity all night every ten meters on roads where no one ever comes when its dark (except me and my cat), you can still see the stars, well, the closest and brightest ones actually.
I dont know much of the constellations by heart but the big dipper is hard to miss , ursa major , and there's this one star that really catched my eye all the time
it flickers, where the others are white dots, this one actually flickers it like oscillates and it has this orange-ish hue to it and i always wondered like
how the hell can i see an orange hue from lightyears away on one particular star ... its like a bit southwest following the tail of the big dipper, im no astronomer so thats the best description i can give and after a while i started digging because it REALLY stands out and i still dont understand how just one star can have this colour and what i found was
if i'm correct Arcturus , which, as i found by googling it, happens to be according to alienists where reptilians come from .
Thats about how i got to the reptilians , but that also about everything i know about them and the legends surrounding :)
I get walking at night...with your cat. For me its my dogs but that is when the city is quite and you can look up and enjoy the sky. We took a vacation to the Smokey Mountains. It was the best time of my life. It was so beautiful there and peaceful. People left you alone! I never experienced peace like that before. Just being able to sit and not be bothered.
I am not going to go into details about this but I do not believe stars are what we have been told they are... Just like planets. I know that is very vague but until I know more and have the research to back it up that is all I can say at this point.
I also do not think Aliens are what people think they are... A lot of my views have to do with what I believe in so I normally do not write about them because unless you think like me and believe in what I do it will sound crazy and most will miss the point.
I am not a full believer, but it sure is interesting with all the videos, especially the ones with the eyes changing.
Completely understandable. I can watch tons of videos but will always have some doubt until I see it with my own eyes.
I saw one recently I think about a news castor, and she had some really good eye change.
One thing that makes you really think, is that they are usually acting a little weird, blinking, looking away, or something.
It’s not that it’s just happening, which could be a video fault, but the body language usually follows.
Have you ever looked into David Pauline’s Missing 411?
Do you have a link to that one? I would love to view it.
Right, they tend to over blink and their body language is different.
No, I am not familiar with David Pauline's Missing 411..is it about all the people that have went missing without a trace? I googled it but the only think that came was a video...
I can’t seem to find the one of the eyes I seen.
This is probably the best “documentary” I have found with David Paulides. The reason I like this one is because he keeps only to facts and no theories.
No worries on the eye change (YouTube is notorious for deleting videos that expose truth or could lead people to the truth) and thank you for the video. I will set time aside to watch it.
Hillary Clinton is a reptillian:)
Hello dear friend, happy to read you again more than enjoy these quality videos. regards
Thank you. It is great to hear from you. Hope all is well with you.
never come to think that there could be something like this between us, it really would be a complete madness do not you think?
It is complete madness. To be honest stuff like this is very disturbing to me... I have tons of questions but no answers.
Where'd you go? Been almost a month since you've posted?