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RE: Speakers Challenge World Economic Forum’s Globalist Agenda

in #conspiracylast year (edited)

"When free speech goes, that’s when the killing begins."

This is why it's existentially necessary to continue to speak forthrightly with good people, because our lives depend on it, on hearing of the dangers they perceive so that we can dodge them, and telling our allies where the traps are, so they can get around them. We need community. We need people, not a global institution that consumes lives as fuel.

I am concerned when I see Milei's speech lauded as if it were some kind of reality. Milei is right out of the WEF. Anyone that is familiar with the term 'controlled opposition' should be able to grasp the meaning of Milei and his rhetoric. Some of the first things he did on being sworn in were to reverse his policies, such as his scorn of the climate change scam, and send a representative to COP28 to join the scam officially as Argentina. It is important to listen to the actions of politicians like Milei, rather than just their rhetoric, to be able to understand what their real policies are.

People like Milei, Bolsonaro, and Trump aren't mavericks bucking the system. They are controlled opposition that prevents actual mavericks from arising and championing the people themselves. Controlled opposition prevents real opposition from opposing the policies of the NWO. Georgia Meloni promised to curtail illegal immigration, and then doubled it when sworn in. GPS tracking has proved the EU and Meloni's government are funding the boats transporting the migrants to the EU. The campaign rhetoric was not a mistake. It was a lie. Meloni never intended to curtail immigration, but the people want immigration curtailed, and if there were no controlled opposition that lied about curtailing immigration, actual champions of the people would have been elected that did curtail immigration. Trump similarly said he'd curtail immigration, but it increased while he was in office.

Do not be fooled. We will not vote ourselves out of tyranny we vote in. Any candidates we can vote for will be representing the tyranny we have elected. If we don't vote the way they want the vote counters can just pretend we did. We will only be free when we are not subjugated to government, when laws do not allow us to be raped, tortured, and murdered by our governments, as they do today in the 'land of the free'. I do recommend that people prepare to be free, which requires that they provide their own security, necessities, and communications, rather than depend on tyrants for them. Tyrants will no secure you from themselves. They will not provide you means of forthrightly speaking about them. They will not feed you when they intend to starve you into submission.

You will have to do these things yourself, and your community will be necessary to you in that process. You will not stand alone against the world and prevail. The cost of defeat will be rape, torture, and death. This is an evolutionary process. The humanity that survives will be competent to survive, and that will be the source of the next generation after it. Be competent or die.



Response from Neenah:

Thank you for your very insightful and informative comment. The concept of controlled opposition explains in part why the WEF would suddenly be so open to hearing from opponents of its vision -- just at the time when it is waging an all-out war on "misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation". You are right that some (all?) of the newly-elected "nationalist" leaders may also be controlled opposition.

However, my guess is that the WEF is responding to a HUGE shift in the tide that it didn't see coming. The WHO has admitted it can't meet the January 27 deadline to share info for confirmation of the WHO Pandemic Treaty in May. So, it looks like the world has dodged that deadly bullet. Help Get US Out of UN and WHO Now! [] shows that Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) introduced the "Disengaging Entirely from the United Nations Debacle (DEFUND) Act", which calls for the United States' complete withdrawal from the United Nations (UN). Rep. Chip Roy introduced a companion bill in the House. If both bills can get two-thirds supports, they can override the expected Biden veto. Canada has a similar bill in play now. If the US withdraws, it's game over for the globalist one-world government.

In addition, Najadi: Evict/Arrest Globalists In Switzerland! [] shows there's a call to kick the UN, WHO, WEF, GAVI, and Gates out of Switzerland and arrest the heads of those organizations. German farmers are in the streets, supported by millions, protesting the same policies the WEF tried to impose of Dutch farmers. Trudeau just got his head handed to him in Canada when the court ruled against his use of the Emergency Act against the truckers. Few people have taken the booster shots. Word is increasingly coming out that the COVID shots killed and crippled millions showing that they are not "safe and effective" as advertised relentlessly.

So, the official narrative is falling apart at the seams now in one country after another from top to bottom. This is a very pivotal year now. Either humanity rises up and protects its freedom or it succumbs to an endless inescapable slavery. That's why it's SO important now to support the two bills in Congress to get the US out of the UN and WHO now. We can each make a difference just by sending emails to our senators and representatives and calling them. See ZOOM Call January 23: Let’s Talk Free Speech!
[] for info on how to take these easy, but powerful steps now. Encourage others to do likewise. We can do this!

I very much appreciate your substantive reply. I am glad we both firmly oppose the ongoing conquest of the world by the NWO. The matters you bring up have caused me to very carefully consider, and I cannot respond at length here lest I clog your blog. You are doing much good, and I don't want to be an impediment to your work.
