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RE: I want to keep this open for discussion.. [FLAT EARTH CONSPIRACY]

in #conspiracy8 years ago (edited)

I'm not convinced. The whole argument is saying there is not evidence for a globe and they have loads. But it seems this telescope thing is the only evidence used. Of course if you look through something that magnifies it shows you further.

To me its a distraction story! Its to make the people who are awake and trying to expose the banksters and New world order say oh and the worlds flat because if you look at something through a device that magnifies the horizon.

There are ore important issues than this to concern my time. Maybe once people are awake and working together is could be considered.


im not saying im a full believer! they do present some convincing material though..

Maybe but at the moment there is no way of proving or disproving. I think its a distraction story design to divide, when we all need to come together and unite against the oppressors!