If a theory does not have any connection with the checkable results, questions may be asked.
I agree that serious questions should be asked about the theory's validity. If there is not ANY connection with the results, I suggest throwing out the theory entirely because it has so many structural faults it will be useless. Unless, of course, you just want to cherry-pick facts to fit your theory, as so many do these days.
I have a very good friend who instantly forms an opinion on something new and refuses to accept any fact that does not match the initial opinion. The initial blinders make true understanding very, very difficult.
(Please do not tell any religious fanatic that there is only one truth...)
Funny! Why not just tell them that there is ONLY one truth and none of them are on the right track so far! They would form an instant theory about you that would result in your future opinions being totally rejected.
"The theory is flawless, and if the facts don't fit, then throw out the fact!"
BTW, care to tell a little about yourself so I can have a mental image of my new correspondent? This is kind of like chatting with a fuzzy, formless cloud...somewhere.
My "about me" is pretty solidly exposed.
No problem, though. As you see fit.