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RE: Mass Awakening Alert!!!!!

in #conspiracy7 years ago

Respectfully disagree regrding firmament and much more in the Bible, there is also the quote where God stops the Sun and the Moon but no mention of the earth, so the earth would just fly away???

There is flat earth verses 240 of em . check it out

The translation “firmament” (i.e., firm) gets across this idea of a solid structure.

Thanks for you thoughts, I was atheist before I learned flat earth, makes sense to me now, this was created fo sho!


I also went through a period of being atheist from being raised catholic, that later I saw more than enough to realize that there is a spirit that extends beyond death.

We should consider what our common ancestors would have been able to examine to gain perspective. They could see stars and the moon moving in the sky, since our movement relative to the earth is roughly 0, it's easy to justify the sensation of no movement. A sphere in the sky would appear as a circle.

Let's not forget that before the scripture was first written, it was passed down through oral traditions going back probably over 50,000 years. Whether it be an issue of translation, misinterpreting available evidence or whatever.

Don't take this as trying to pull you away from religion, I just don't see how that element is possible.

The more important part; people are awakening to the evils that surround us, that much is where we can agree.

I think the catholic church is EVIL. The whole worshipping of idols, confessing to man, all contrary to what I understand that God wants in the Bible. I am not so sure anymore about history, I think much of it is lies.

I am totally fine with you having a different set of beliefs because that is how I came to be where I FINALLY allowed myself to learn something at age 46. I may disagree at which point I would be most interested in debating until one or both of us learn something. When I was an atheist, I always KNEW that I could NOT prove big bang but I just went with it because I DID NOT want to believe in God, I hd experienced church when younger and did not like the costumes, the mostly blind group think, the ritualism, I don't know but something really turned me off and I put it all on religion. BUT, I never investigated it when I was older so I remained an IGNORANT fool, so many wasted years. The worst part is I thought I was OPEN MINDED LOL. Interesting time we are in, I still have strong feelings that my beliefs are right but they are tempered now with knowing how much learning I lost from believing I knew better for all those years. Thanks for your input .