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RE: 9/11 Strangeness, Mark "Make the Check to CASH!" Cohen

in #conspiracy7 years ago

Have you watched september clues? There are so many things that do not make sense until you take thousand of people dying out of the picture. I have found that my beliefs stopped me from looking at certain pieces of evidence or theories because I deemed them too "outlandish", the no planes theory was one I just would not look at. After learning about hoaxes and they are pretty much all hoaxes in my mind- Las Vegas, Sandy Hook, Bataclan, 7/7, Boston Bombing (I did a video on Jeff Bauman of the Boston Bombing Hoax Below)

September Clues

I used to think people who believed that hoaxes were real had "lost it". I think it was more me NOT being able to accept OR even LOOK at the evidence. Cause after I really looked, I could see them CLEAR AS DAY! Russianvids Archives does a excellent job decontsructing this insane world of ours, he is the one on youtube who got me to be able to see these things and break free of my old beliefs. Hope I just have not gone crazy! (I seriously do not think I have, I think the people who cannot see it are ZOMBIES.) Peace I'll answer your other comment on flat earth tomorrow.


I will watch it! Denying that people have died seems a little hard to do? Did you in all those hours you have spent watching youtube ever think of tracking down people who are now missing relatives/ families friends?

Ie, with 7 billion people on this planet, you don’t have to search far to find them..... ie, normally people are related to each other or now eachother in 7 hops.

The impact of thousands of people dying in terms of how many would be hit directly or indirectly for these horrible losses is huge, so unless you failed to find these relatives or think they are all part of the hoax I am afraid you need to do more research.

Eye witness reports are also a terrible way of drawing conclusions. the human eye often misleads us, the brain distorts info over time, this is also why a lot of reports of eye witnesses have to be taken with a pinch of salt. You could ofcourse assume they are lying when giving out information that was perceived true in their eyes, but like i said reality is subjective, people recall stressful events differently due shock/ stress or different viewpoints.

Satellites are real, how else would you explain gps works? I love to hear how you disproof all of this.

oudekass, I agree regarding tracking down the victims family or the ACTUAL person. I was across the river in Jersey City and saw with my own two eyes the second building implode, never suspected a thing.

I worked in finance at the time, and indirectly knew 2 people who "died" on 9/11, one was a personal friend of my dad's for many years- his name is Fred Hoffman. The other person was a fiance of a business associate and his name is Michael Wittenstein. Both of these people have many WEIRD things I have found since questioning their deaths.

There is a video on youtube where the parents of Michael Wittenstein "remember" their son but FAIL to mention he was ONLY 4 weeks away from being married, yet the Dad talks about how much he liked to PARTY? There is much much more. Same thing with my Dads friend I have a photo of a guy who looks the right age and has almost THE SAME name and is friends with Eddie Cantor who was Freddie Hoffmans BOSS!
So this Robert Hoffman guy is friends with the sme people, has the same name (almost), lives in the same town, has the same hairline and moustache, weras the same EXACT glasses still, has the same color of hair still, and face looks the same- thats a TON of coincidences for something that I would not believe not even thinking it was a hoax.

Have you seen this video on the NASA challenger explosion hoax?

I am NOT 100% on the WTC hoax or the challenger hoax but if I was asked to bet I would put my money on them being hoaxes.

Here is the video of Michael Wittensteins parents- VERY Strange to me they fail to mention him only 4 weeks away from such an IMPORTANT milestone in life as being married is usually considered (and yes this is not proof in and of itself) (Wittenstein parents at 19:55)

One last thing, there was an EXCELLENT video that was 3 hours long called the boston unbombing on youtube that exposed the hoax extremley well, you tube too the video down and has erased all the copies that people made also. I just cannot find it anymore. I watched" the boston unbombing at least 5 times and probably much more because I just could NOT accept that it was possible, when I finally did accept it, I was MESSED up mentally for at least a week, and this is AFTER I thought the earth is flat LOL!
