It wasn't until I "woke" that I slowly started to realize I NEVER truly seeked for answers to my questions. I used to always think when I was a kid, why do we go to war? Why are there people who go hungry in the world. When I was a little older my questions were why am I wasting my time in highschool ? Then it moved onto why am I going to college, for a piece of paper? Then it became why are people working at jobs they hate? I really never truly sought answers to my questions sadly. If I had I would have realized much sooner in life that things are not exactly as they seem. Below is a video of Ole Dammegård at the Open Mind Conference, in it he explains the "shows" we see on TV, hope you will take a look!
When i hear the news, I really felt sorry for the victims of these terror attacks. Not anymore.
I had a feeling something was off by the reporting of the las vegas shooting, but i didnt know its this bad, lol.
At least now i can calculate and be more observant when im watching the news
Freaking crazy right, Las Vegas happened after I learned that these hoaxes are shows, both me and my brother watched it and in 5 minutes things were looking super fishy lol. It really does change the way you watch these things, no more emotion allows you to see the bad acting haha, and all the sniffles from people fake crying!
Insane these "attacks " are hoaxes! Where do we live?
Earth is flat.
Talk to cab driver today- he knew the U.S is a corporation, LOVE IT!
Another police beating video today, these pigs have lost their minds.
Thanks, I liked this video. But I have suspicions about Jim Fetzer.
For some reason nearly everywhere I look I see controlled opposition, shills and gatekeepers.
@nik4, I agree with you, It seems to me very hard (almost impossible) to figure out who's a shill and who's looking for the truth. If it's hard for us to figure out, imagine trying to wake up now and reading so much misinformation besides google hiding so much relevant search results that you can barely find what you are looking for if it does not conform to mainstream thought, 1984 is NOW. September Clues really helped me see the level of deception played on us, CRAZY.
Thanks for becoming woke.
Honestly i haven't watched the video but i too started waking up during middle school when i first heard about the illuminati and through that i started questioning life and opening my mind to everything we do. Up to now I'm still discovering newer meanings to life but still i haven't received the actual meaning of life and the purpose.
I just think it's deeper than what we think and we should take care of what we have which is nature and study it more than altering it to "richer" countries/lands.
@jaysds1 I feel like I had multiple chances to wake up sooner but squandered them, happy for you that you saw it much earlier in life, I lived a lie for almost all of my life. Life is definitely harder being woke (maybe that will change as more people wake up) but so much of this craziness now makes sense to me, people are liars in general, many lie to themselves, we feel we have too lie to survive in this evil system and being brainwashed doesn't help matters lol. I was hardcore atheist before waking up, I believe I was born again a little over a year ago, that is INSANE to me, I NEVER thought I would believe in God yet here I am. WOW Thanks for your thoughts , I feel so much better when I hear from people who are woke.