16 Years Ago Today Was The Greatest Scam and Murder Of All Time... 9/11

in #conspiracytheories7 years ago (edited)

The biggest scam and murder on American soil happened 16 years ago today... 20 Trillion dollars of tax payers money went into a perpetual "war on terror" with nothing to show for it except more terrorists, less freedoms, more wars, more fear, more national debt, more instability, and more fear... Remember that no plane hit WTC building 7 and it collapsed the exact same way as the Twin Towers... Remember not one body or drop of blood was found at the crash in Shanksville, PA.... Remember they said the fire at the pentagon melted two titanium Rolls Royce Engines but they were somehow able to find a passport of the alleged "terrorist"...

Why on this day and this day only only 16 years ago was all laws of science, physics, and logic contradicted and most people never even question it...

Thoughts and love go out to all the victims of 9/11...

The evidence is undeniable...