Q states that the USCMJ [U.S. Code of Military Justice] will be used to prosecute the worst offenders of the "Trump" coup plot. It takes effect in January 2019 shortly after the mid terms. Q also tells us that 11-11-18 will be a glorious day. They supposedly wanted a military parade in DC on that day. I believe this last was always meant to be a distraction. While black hats worry about 11-11-18, they may get that 3am knock on their door on November 6th, election day. Those picked up will be picked up clandestinely and the media will only learn about it later if these folks are to be brought up on charges according to USMJ.
We may be on a slippery slope. Are we getting a Caesar, in the form of Donald Trump? Will we get our Republic back afterwards? What have we been told by Q? That the level of corruption in the USA and the World is beyond our imagination. That there are facts that we will not want to know. All well and good, but I want to know. As will many more. Any prosecution of Sedition and or Treason need to be public or made known. What if the knowledge would cause a war? Then I say let the Congress decide as per the Constitution. Else we live under Caesar, not a Republic.
I suspect that Q team and Trump will do everything possible to avoid war, to include keeping some of the story untold as it unfolds. The problem with this is that when the truth does come out, you end up at war anyway. Unless those foreign elements are brought to justice earlier. Much of this is facilitated by the non-patriotic multi-national corporations that exist for the NWO agenda. Which is why Trump is America 1st. Bring our factories back home because you may be at war with your "allies" in the future. Example, advanced Transformer equipment for our power grid are only produced in Germany. WHAT? What other strategic products or materials must Trump secure to keep America safe? We should be able to produce it all here.
The Q movement is world wide and folks see what they want to see in it. There is much goodwill now for Q, but as we go down this road, it may not last. As the onion layers of the corruption are pulled away there will be efforts by the deep state to re-establish the New World Order plan. In fact the Cabal may be waiting the "Trump" period out. They may have a long view of things. Go back and look at the G7 meetings in Canada and you see a gathering of "yes" men for the New World Order and then Trump. If the TPP trade deal that Obama wanted had made it through approval, then these same multi-national corporations would have gained a type of "nation status." Go back and watch the original "Rollerball" and see the world that they had in store for us. So, many an ox will be gored before Trump is done.
In order for Trump to move forward vs the coup plotters he must 1st remove the corruption. DOJ and other agencies are being purged now. The establishment of military tribunals will avoid the corrupt courts to some extent. And in the middle of all of this we have mid term elections. Wow, is this getting complicated? All the while more false flag distractions that are under way. Examples with the alleged Saudi reporter assassination in Turkey and the human migrant invasion 2.0 walking up to our border from Guatemala and Honduras.
Q tells us to trust "The Plan." How long has the plan been in the works? Who is behind the plan? Why was the plan necessary? Lets run down this trail a bit. What major events in our past would trigger a group of "Patriots" to plan a counter coup? Have any "Patriotic" counter coup attempts failed that we do not know about? We all know about the original Black Hat coup in 1963.
Lets list events. Start with the Bay of Pigs in Cuba and the follow on "Missile Crises." The assassination of JFK and his brother and MLK 5 years later comes to mind. How about the oil crises and the establishment of the "Petro-dollar." Then there was the resignation of Nixon? What about the assassination attempts on Gerald Ford? People forget about the Church Commission on the JFK assassination. How about the Iranian hostage crises? Do not forget about Reagan and the attempt on his life. Then you have the 1st Gulf War under Bush. The Ross Perot effort in '92. The "Wag the Dog" wars under Clinton in the Balkans. The 1993 WTC bombing. 9-11 under Bush II with the 2nd Gulf War and follow on fight in Afghanistan. How about Obama and his "Assassination Matrix?" Obama's foreign policy to undermine every country in the Middle East and Africa. Obama's support for the Muslim Brotherhood.
That was a long, but incomplete list. Feel free to add to it. But one thing that makes me wonder is when it all started. Some folks believe GHW Bush was behind the assassination attempt on Reagan. That would motivate me, if I was in military intelligence and got wind of that. No one has explained why Ross Perot got into the act in '92 to my satisfaction. But it did throw GHW Bush[41] out of office didn't it?
Clinton was the Deep State's "Insurance Policy" We all know GW Bush[43] got pulled in by 9-11. Who was behind that? Cheney was his father's Sec-Def and was GW Bush's VP so that is a connection. Shout out to the "Cheney" haters. Cheney will live to 120 with that "new" heart. He's looking real good. And the real result of 9-11? The Patriot Act and the rise of the surveillance state.
Trump was supposed to run in 2008 or 2012 but America was working out a little race justice with Obama so it had to wait until 2016. Almost too late imo. And it may still prove to be so. We are living through the destruction of the Deep State "counter revolution" now. This is why we should be wary of a Caesar in Trump.
We are in the era of the False Flag too. That is one of the ways that the Cabal gets America to do what Americans would not want America to do. These FF events started at least as far back as the Spanish American war and are still happening today. You can pinpoint FF events world wide and in the US designed for "Gun Control." When you add the Patriot Act to Gun Control and add President Clinton you see what was avoided. Whew!
So pick your start date, you will not really be wrong but keep your eye on who really makes the rules in this world. That is the Golden Rule. He who has the gold makes the rules. If Trump is to win he will have to sever the head of the beast. And that is the world's central banking system. Lucky for us, Trump was a double major at the Wharton School of Business, at Penn. Economics and Anthropology. He understands why people do what they do and for what they'll do it for.
If Military Intel was behind Trump's getting in the race, ask yourself this, Was Ross Perot their dry run or first effort? Just a suspicion of mine. No proof. But we now have the military behind Trump. That is his "dead-man's switch." Mutual assured destruction with the Deep State. So now we all sit and watch Trump and Q Team play 3D Chess with the NWO Cabal.
As for why this was necessary. It is to save the world of course. From the few who own the bank's and who use their influence to drain the wealth from the world in an effort to enslave us all. What is in their way? An armed America with a Constitution that allows it's citizens to defend themselves against the "State" if need be. Our founding fathers were running from the Cabal, the London Bankers, when they started our country and they gave us the "plan" to fight tyranny. TRUST THE US CONSTITUTION [THE PLAN.] It will save all those that believe in it, so help us God. WWG1WGA