The unpredictable nature of real life is the worst. I am generally an absurdist, but I also kinda believe life ends up taking you where you are supposed to be, from the best places, the worst places seem liked they were vital stops on the way, hope it turns out that way ^^
Off schedule is fine ;) I struggle with my contest and I only aim for once every two weeks, so the regularity you have hit is just so impressive, you have definitely built a good back log of less regular you can redeem lol
I believe if I were to put a label on myself I'd also be somewhat of an absurdist. Or nihilist.
I believe you take yourself where you want to take yourself - nothing just falls out of the sky... but it sucks a** when you give it your best and it just bites you back.... Several times... And then several more times..
Though, I agree, many important lessons are learnt due to the "lows" in life... Unfortunately, though, many of the sad thoughts are easily recurring and it's easy to get stuck in their loop again... Unfortunately a tad bit easier than getting caught up in the happy loop :p
I've kept it consistent with same-day winner announcement for near all of the first 30 contests, but now I'll admit I'm struggling.. I'm trying, though, I am! :D