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RE: Constrained Writing Contest #26 + Winners of Constrained Writing Contest #25

Are you telling me you've got a bunch of unfinished stuff on "stand-by"?
I'll tell you what helped me with that :P
For shorter stories - up to about 1500 words, I finish them in one sitting. No matter what, I'll finish them at least within the same day. I'll write down whatever needs be written down, start to finish, and if I need to leave SOMETHING for another day, it's JUST the editing.
As for longer stories - like the Wild West that I have ongoing... Get back to it every single day and just do a little. write 100 words if you're low on time, or you can write 1000 if you wish. But always at least do something.
That's my best advice, though I'm not a certified author of any kind, so take it with a grain of salt. :P

Hope you manage to finish it still, or any of your former ones! :D


I have a whole folder full of: "Document1, Document2, Document7219"
and obscurely titled things such as: "Freezey Woman, Timetravelling Bigfoot, Snow Elves"

Freezey Woman was actually somewhat done! A first chapter to a Fallout-esque universe because that was on my mind a lot at the time. :D

What I call my "proper writings" are only slightly better arranged! Haha! I have a folder for each story of my trilogy, and in each folder is: "Book 1, attempt" "attempt 23" "forest chapter" "final edition" "final edition again" ~ LOL

Anyway, my problem is that I'm a thinker. I can think of one sentence, and then I sit there and ponder the directions, I choose a direction and keep going, then I think some more. It's what's stopping me from joining the Freewrites also. I can't just let my mind wander. :(

Like, with this journal entry constraint, I thought of this:

16th Sept. I saw her again last night. Her radiant eyes agleam beneath the shroud of her auburn mane; she beckons, and I ignore, just as they told me to. She is not real.
And then... there was nothing! :o

I always have a sentence pop to mind as well! Then I'm like... well... what more do I need to put around it to make it the most enjoyable? What can lead up to this sentence that popped into my head?
Many of my freewrites begin by using the word in a sentence I want to use it in... then just make everything else fall in place, haha :D
If that makes sense? :P

Now I want to know how it continues!