Contest/Giveaway: Your Steam Wishlist

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Here's my third contest! Another contest to promote my Steemit Shop!


To further improve my own games shop on steemit, I got the idea of looking at my potential costumers Steam Wishlists. By knowing what's the most wanted games I can offer a better service.

Let's start with the results of second contest:

Since I couldn't edit it anymore I'll put what I have to say here.

  • @felipejoys is the winner of the SBI share.
  • The Payout + Prize => 1.760 divided on the entrants equally.
  • All prizes have been sent. Please tell me if I forgot someone.

~ Your Steam Wishlist ~

How to Enter

To enter you must already have a Steam account with more two games or more. You have to let me know about the games in your wishlist somehow, Here Mine. In one of these ways:

  • The Most Public Way: Put link to your Steam Wishlist in a comment here. Anyone can view it. You'll get 2 shares of the prize.

  • The Effort Heavy Way: Instead of putting a link, you comment a list with all the games in your wishlist. You'll get 2 shares for the effort. (3 shares if they were over 100 games, please put the most wanted first.)

  • The Private Way: contact me on Discord or Twitter DM. Give me a link or list the games in your Wishlist. You'll get 1 or 2 share. (If you're interested in contacting me and don't know how please tell me in comments.)

  • The Surprising Way: Surprize me with a creative idea to list your wishlist and you'll get a number of shares equals what effort I think went into it.


How To Get More Shares

1) Buy Something from @ahmadgameslist, for each $1 you pay you get 1 share. (Portions paied with SBI are included.)

2) Bid on this @steembay auction: ($5 Gift Card) 1 share for each outbid by you.

2) Resteem this contest and tell me that you resteemed in your comment. 1 share. You must enter in another way first to be able to get this share.

3) Extra share if you answer three of at all of these questions.

  • How often you put games in your Wishlist?
  • Do you put any game? Do you have self rules when adding to your wishlist?
  • Do you really want the majority of the games there? If not which are your most wanted?
  • Is your wishlist ranked? If so, how often you rank it. When was the last time?

Entrants List

EntrantShares@ahmadmanga's Comment
@kingzero4Short list, Big Games.
@loreshapergames4Many information, list sent privately.
@momekato4Good List, Answeres, Resteem'd
@squirezed3Good comment, one I'd expected!
@theironfelix7Too much information! Good!!
Total Shares24Keep it up guys!!


Current Rward: 1.200 STEEM + Non-SP Payout

There's also 1 SBI share for one lucky entrant! Those with more shares have more chance.

You Can Contribute to the Prize

  • Be an Entrant. For each entry share the reward will be added 0.05 STEEM.

  • Buy Game(s) from my shop. Find the latest week: @ahmadgameslist. ℅10 of the final price will be added to the contest reward. Prices paid with SBI shares are included (but with their Steem price.)

@ahmadgameslist Shop

Related Links


The first image is made using my own wishlist. second is taken from The Hat of Time Steam Page All other images sources are mentioned in their own posts.

Hi, thanks for the great opportunity, here is my wishlist :)

Also a link to steam:

Extra share if you answer three of at all of these questions.

  1. How often you put games in your Wishlist?
    From time to time. It depends, mostly when I see a lot of new games coming out soon.

  2. Do you put any game? Do you have self rules when adding to your wishlist?
    I put only games I'm interested in. They have to be good quality games, but games that I can't afford at the moment.

  3. Do you really want the majority of the games there? If not which are your most wanted?
    Yes, I want all the games I have on my wishlist.

  4. Is your wishlist ranked? If so, how often you rank it. When was the last time?
    It's somewhere ranked, but I'm ranking them very rarely, even tho last time was 3weeks ago

Updated your shares in the post, thanks for the answers, I actually have mafia key but it's region locked and I don't know which regions its for. (at least US is one of them.) Great games you have chosen there!

Thanks! I have to add few games to my wishlist, but I keep forgetting that :D Little note on assassin's creed games -> I actually could afford them but I'm new to the series and I recently started playing AC1, so I'm not in hurry to buy them :D These 3 parts on my wishlist are the only parts I don't have yet.

These series is awesome, anything after Brotherhood (Secnod part of ACII trilogy) can be a hit or miss for you. But I really love the series, the least one I liked was AC:III and I loved AC:IV a lot more!

Actually brother was the one that played them, but I love the series anyway~

I have also reestemed your post just now :) didn't do that before to don't spam my wall by reesteming too often

Oh boy, my wishlist is shamefully long. I need to give it a trim.

To answer your questions:

I add games that stand out to me, so frequently things that resemble other games I like. Roguelikes and science fiction games do pretty well in this regard. I add games when I see them either in an article like PC Gamer's new games you missed this week, from developer posts of previous games I liked, or from the Steam store front page, so the timing is sort of random, but I probably add a game or two a week (and then purge my list once or twice a year, though I tend to get lazy and quit half way through). I tend to add a lot of games, but the ones that I really want are the ones that are by studios I like, so things like Dominions 5, Metro: Exodus, or 1 Bit Heart are the games that I'm most likely to buy myself when they go on sale- history of past performance helps. However, I mostly use my wishlist to track when games go on sale and I get an email notification. Games like Scythe are interesting to me, but I can't justify spending $20 on a game I might play once, so I put them on my wishlist and try to grab them when they're on a good sale. Usually the summer and winter sales are when I clean my wishlist- if something is 75% off and I'm not interested, it's safe to remove. I don't really bother with rank- with a wishlist as large as mine there just isn't much point to it, unfortunately.

Wow we have many similarities!! I also:

games that stand out to me, so frequently things that resemble other games I like.
I add games when I see them you missed this week, from developer posts of previous games I liked, or from the Steam store front page, so the timing is sort of random...
1 Bit Heart are the games that I'm most likely to buy myself

If I remember correctly I bought 1 Bit Heart when it was on sale.

Games like Scythe are interesting to me, but I can't justify spending $20 on a game I might play once, so I put them on my wishlist and try to grab them when they're on a good sale.

We're similar in this too!! I have to check that scythe game it seems popolar somehow.

Usually the summer and winter sales are when I clean my wishlist- if something is 75% off and I'm not interested, it's safe to remove.

I rarely do that, usually I use my wislist as a way for IsThereAnyDeal to notify me about those games if they are in bundle that week.

Thanks for taking part, please check if I added your shares correctly.

i've resteemed this post.

Thanks for the resteem, any comment? any answer to any question?

i don't know about these games so no.
i wish i had known some answers.

Posted using Partiko Android

It's okay, just making sure you're not a spammer.

Welp, you left with no choice (other than the private way) than to literally babble on with my steam wishlist.

  1. The Public way: here's the literal link to my un-updated Steam Wishlist. Yeah, no shocker why I shall talk about down below:
  2. The Effort-Heavy way: With that settled, let's get to this: I do actually want to play Sam&Max: Hit the Road as that game really peaked my interest when I was a wee lad and the first point and click game 'til I entertained the Sam&Max Game from TellTale. Yet I say this despite having knowledge of the game because I lost my disc and welp I want to have a real copy and probably patch it if need be. Now unto the rest: Timesplitters Triology that hasn't been ported to the PC(!), Conker's Bad Fur Day in its original state ported to the PC, the entire library of Metal Gear and Metal Gear Solid (excluding V since I can get that on steam) and Scarface: The World is Yours. Note all of them are not on PC yet legally (excuse the Sam&Max: Hit the Road, since that ain't on steam yet) and either had ROMs made out of them or have rare undamaged copies at this point.
  3. The Surprising way: This listical was the surprise, I usually avoid bullet points (id est bullet-point syndrome) lest its convenient or necessary. And to be quite honest, I've recieved most of my wished games - just the ones I want (listed in the Effort-Heavy way) are either not on Steam or not published yet. So this part of the listical is just a semi-memey way to explain myself here, to say that I did use the Effort-Heavy way as secretly my surprising way (plot twist), that I love yah ( <3 ) and my thoughts on lists.

To the other parts:

Q: How often you put games in your Wishlist?
A: Never at this point.
Q: Do you put any game? Do you have self rules when adding to your wishlist?
A: For both questions, I would put any game in there and my only self-rule is that they're on Steam.
Q: Do you really want the majority of the games there? If not which are your most wanted?
A: For the Steam games in my wishlist, I'm intrigued with how it's going to turn out, so I'll keep hush there. For the non-Steam games, yeah it would be nice to be on there. More so that Scarface game be there as the rest technically can have corporate backing if they wish to make more money, but this game has a rare chance for this to come to steam at all because of its complications.
Q: Is your wishlist ranked? If so, how often you rank it? When was the last time?
A: Nie, and, more-so, I haven't a reason to do so. It's a complete waste of time since prices changes and relevancy waivers depending upon how relevant it is in the gaming scene. Plus you should be able to find the game in the wishlist without a problem if you really care about the game.

Anyways, resteem'd and upvot'd the post!

This Emptiness I feel... is it real...?

If I clicked the right link (it shows 0 items) then that's alone is a special surprise!! Tell me more about that Scarface game?

I have many Sam & Max games to sell but not the one you mentioned.

Q: How often you put games in your Wishlist?
A: Never at this point.

THAT... was unexpected...

Resteem done,
Will you tell me what does witness do in steemit.?

Posted using Partiko Android

Reply to this to get your share.

I think I'll add a rule to be an entrant FIRST to have the resteem share... anyway do you have a Steam Wish list?

No i don't have. Even i hadn't vote for any witness yet. Firstly i want to know what is the benefit

Posted using Partiko Android

Ah, sorry I thought I answered your question... Witnesses job is like the miners in Bitcoin. That is, to use their computer to monitor the transactions and store the data on the blockchain... They are what keep STEEM blockchain running. They are rewarded by STEEM too, the amount is hidden for non-witnesses. Actually I think only the top witnesses get rewarded not sure about that.

With every update (called Hard Fork) to the the blockchain.. There are witnesses who agree to that update and those who disagree, the ones followed by the majority of community of STEEM are taken their decision granted.

So when you vote for a witness make sure he have the systems best interest in mind and not only what profits him, because if we voted to the wrong witnesses some of the future hard forks might destroy everything we care about.

EDIT: also your share is there now.


Reply to this to get your share.

After this I'm adding a rule to be an entrant FIRST to have the resteem share... anyway do you have a Steam Wish list?

no i don't know about those games.
and it was in your post thay resteem gets 1 share. anyway that's up to you whether you give it or not, np.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yup, just added the rule to discourage spammers. Thanks for taking part.

Rssteem done

Reply This If you want a share.

I added a rule, before you commented that asks a resteemer to Enter with anther way first to get the share... But if you reply this comment you'll get it. I just want to discourage spammers.

You can join on this.

Resteem done

Sorry please read the rules again.

Resteemed and upvoted!

I'll give you a "short-list" of things publicly, and I'll send you the full list over in Discord. I've got way too much stuff in my wishlist. First, though, answers to the questions:

  1. I put games in my wishlist around once a month or so, but sometimes I do so in large batches. It really sort of depends; I'll see a large list of things coming out that I'm not familiar with, and go see if any of them look good.
  2. I am pretty non-selective with regards to quality/reviews, but I do look for things that have interesting things. Of course, since I spend some of my time making games, I like to get a pretty broad field of entries, even if they're not good, and I also look for smaller, weirder games (like E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy).
  3. I think the question about "wanting" games is a little off. I'd take any of the games on my wishlist, I'm just not always willing to spend money on them equivalent to the sticker price. A large part of the wishlist value for me is notifications about sales.
  4. My wishlist is loosely ranked. Every year or so I rank it around the big sales, both to help myself have willpower ("I won't buy below rank number X unless it's a great discount"), but I don't organize it every time I add stuff. I've got about 450 games on the list, so it's a pain to organize.

Generally, I have games loosely in order of being added, since that's how Steam handles the additions, but you will see a few things on there that I've manually re-arranged.

For instance, EU IV is up at the top. I've never been able to convince myself to spend so much money just to waste countless hours losing badly, but it is actually placed well. A lot of things on my wishlist have been there a long time, so many of the high-ranking ones are things that I've wanted for a long time, but not ever wanted to pay for, or that don't go on sale. An example of this would be Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. I played it once on Steam Family Sharing, but would actually like to have it for myself. I'm just not willing to pay $30 for it right now, or at any point since it went on my wishlist.

This probably goes for the first fifty or so games on the wishlist, though there are a few academic curiosity games there as well (for instance, Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms; I'm kinda interested in it, but I'm only willing to buy it for really cheap).

A lot of things that are high on the list are also higher price. Little tiny things make much easier impulse purchases, since I only have to spend a buck or two on them.

The final 50 or so games fall into the "new hotness" category. I haven't made up my mind on increasing their rank ever (partly because I haven't reorganized since adding them), but they tend to be a little bit cheaper than the other games.

These tend to be the games I'm actually most likely to buy, since they're ones that I recently considered, and they're likely to go on sale (unlike some of the ancient games, that I'd be willing to buy on sale but just haven't been on a good enough sale to get me to pull the trigger).

An instance of this game would be This is the Police 2; which I'm really interested in and might get soon regardless of a sale (though I'd probably want the first before that).

Put your shares. There's a lot of valuable information here, I'll make sure to reply you later!

Hello, I hope im not to late :D
Here is my List
Also resteemed!

Here the Questions!

  1. Mostly when I see something interresting or something that I really want, so maybe once per month.
  2. I must liked the Idea/Genre or that I played older game of it and I liked it.
  3. There are some that i really want and there i some that i only wanna have in my library.
  4. First 5 places are ranked I think. It depends maybe I take a look quarter years or so

Put your shares, might come back to reply the comment later.

Good to know :D