Hi @thepassenger! I really love the new placement of the link right underneath the banner, that is awesome, thank you! I really really appreciate it!
Sadly, I think Facebook will prevail for the foreseeable future. I get a lot of work via that platform which is the only reason I shall keep my account on FB.
Hi there! yes i tried, but I will need to move it somewhere below because otherwise it appears just at the beginning of the post in the description and looks kind of weird :( Also I think the THE should be moved a liiiitle down so it looks good on the miniature.
regarding facebook, yes i keep if as nostalgy haha
Hey @thepassenger, you are absolutely right.
My name shouldn't be the first thing people read and the banner doesn't look good in miniature. Please place the link where you think best. I've added some more white-space on the sides of the image.