Interesting post. I believe there is certainly a max limit of humans the earth can withstand, whether we are nearing that point or have far surpassed it, I'm not sure. One thing I do think though is that the quality of human beings on earth makes a HUGE difference in what that Max. Population would look like. If we move people into move sustainable habits and reroute our resources in more efficient ways then perhaps we could all still have a child or two if we wanted... but the way things have been going and by the way we've treated earth I think slowing the population growth is the best answer. I do have two kids of my own but that was before I became educated on these types of things... has I known better perhaps I would have made different choices.
Very thought provoking post!
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Thank you @amariespeaks, both for your vote as well as your fabulously insightful comment. :c)
I would definitely agree that the question of what human population the Earth can comfortably sustain comes down to not only numbers but also the quality of living afforded.
And that leads to the question - Is it better to sustain many people in squalor or few people in abundance?
In truth I really do not have any ill feelings toward persons who (without passive-aggressive political or religious motive) opt to have more children. Those who do not know better - do not know better.
And in truth one needs to birth 'more' than two children per couple so as to contribute towards population 'growth'.
China approached this problem in a way that drew a lot of criticism (a fair portion of which was unwarranted and politically motivated). It is in part thanks to its one child policy that significant portions of the population are in a much better situation that the previous generation. Even without factoring in economic growth, distributing that to half the population would signify an increase in wealth per capita (and yes, I am aware that the population didn't halve since many people take longer than a generation to pass away).
Even with all this knowledge, there is no reason to have second guesses about having a second child. Even if it were your third you should feel comfortable to love and care for him or her as if s/he were your one and only. :c)
Thanks again!
I think a max population with the majority living in squalor sounds like hell on earth lol I'm all for living minimally and with sustainability but in a way that is comfortable and harmonious with our ecosystem - but perhaps I'm a lunatic lol those greedy ones who lust for more will always creep in and make the argument that they deserve to have a much as they want (and maybe they're right...but I doubt it)
this is hilarious. love your opinion - totally agree. I cannot comprehend the polticial or religious reasons of having 7 or 9 children.. unless you're building a farm from the ground up that provides free food to the hungry, shelter for the homeless and running a school which teaches children how to build their own farm hahaha I'm all for that religion or political party *crying/laughing face - if I knew how to insert an emoji on here*It sounds like we are quite in agreement upon this topic. :c)
I personally feel that if we generally desire to live our lives beyond a certain quality of living standard, then the next consideration ought to be what population level the World can comfortably accomodate with this living standard in mind.
And this, without getting into the notion that it might perhaps be desirable to voluntarily 'not' maximize our populations. That which humans do not claim, nature shall - and nature is generally a good thing for the planet. Time to give more than we take.
As for large families - the most legitimate reasons for such tend to surround producing a loyal and cheap workforce for working the land...
These are the means by which they are able to work more land and lay a claim to it... and land is wealth - at least within a historic context.
As for those who have kids because their views say so (and particularly with the aim of gaining influence through occupation an number) - a review of their priorities may also be beneficial. ;c)
(text emojis work just fine. ^_~)