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RE: STACH Short Story Contest #25: 199 words, 5 winners, 15SBD prize pool!

in #contest7 years ago



Alex's tired eyes could see a small cat trying to cross the wall in the stormy weather but failing again and again.
"Same as you",he told himself.
For a boy who had forgotten day and night working for three years to see his name on the scholarship list to live his dream of becoming a doctor,accepting failure wasn't possible.
Even when everyone around had started questioning his abilities, he knew getting scholarship was the only way as his parents couldn't pay for his fees.
God was the only one he could share his feelings with.
"They don't believe me but I believe you.You know how much I have worked for it.You won't let me down."
"Vtzzz......Vtzzzzz...",his cellphone vibrated..
"Hello Alex!It is to notify you that you have been selected for the scholarship.Kindly do the formalities."
Alex could say nothing.All of a sudden,the cat seemed to be a lion that now crossed the wall easily and the stormy weather suddenly changed to sunshine that made a perfect sense.
"I knew you wouldn't let me down.I am not a failure anymore...THANK YOU LORD",tears rolled down.