Hello @ferow, Great contest idea. I love gaming, though I play every kind of game out there (video, board, card, roleplaying, etc.). My favorite video game is the Kingdom Heart Series (I say series because they keep packaging these games). The story and art are great. There is also enough to do that it takes time to get through the whole game. Gameplay is also my favorite in that it is in real time (not a huge fan of turn base). I am looking forward to when they finally release Kingdom Hearts III.
I'm looking forward to seeing more posts from you. Good Luck.
I have heard about Kingdom hearts alot and your reply made me go check it out for the first time. I've watched a demo gameplay of kingdom hearts 3 and i've also watched some gameplay of the previous versions. Kingdomhearts 3 looks alot better than the previous ones and i love how many disney characters are in it. Looks like a fun game to play, thanks for your entry!