Happy Saturday Steemmates! It's time for another arbitrary photo challenge!!

I started this weekly contest to shake up your cameras a bit. Sometimes we get so caught up in the seriousness of taking the perfect photo- getting the subject to lie just so, fretting about the lighting and exposure and stuff, that we forget the photography is first about fun! Capturing a moment in time and freezing it in a little square memory holder for the rest of time.
Of course I encourage you to take awesome shots, but my photo contests are all about fun first.
But first lets check out the winner of Week 4, Love Story.

It is always so hard to choose. And Week 4 was no different. Your Love Stories warmed my heart and melted into a blissful realization that there still is amore in this world, and it truly is what makes our lives go round :)
Thank you all for your submissions!
With her creatively shot epitome of love, congratulations @orlena
So glad that you let your One into your heart, even after you had sealed and locked those doors tight <3
I rounded your SBD prize up to $3.00 SBD :)
Week 5
Show me your best worst photo!
You know which one ;) The one you laugh nervously at... the one that just popped into your head when you read this weeks challenge...
Post your best worst photo in the comments for a chance to win $SBD!
The photo must be your own. No plagiarism or you will be disqualified from any and all contests.
Add a sentence or two telling us a little about it, the story behind the love, and anything else you'd like us to know.
The photo must be submitted in the comment section of this post.
Any medium or format- camera, smartphone, drone, tablet- use whatever you want to take the photo.
Basic processing is allowed.
Color or Black and White, your choice.
Only one image entry per user. If you submit two, only the first will be considered.
Please resteem this post to grow the contest and your rewards!
I will be upvoting entries daily and the more visibility this contest gets the bigger the prize pool each week!
The winner will receive 50% of the liquid SBD from this post.
This contest is meant to be fun and caring- and open to your interpretation- whatever you consider love to be <3 You could post a photo of your two toddlers who fight all the time cuddling on the couch sharing a snack, for instance. Or your big rough and tumble guy embracing a kitten during a snooze :) Or of course you and your life partner... Share a story of love from behind the lens :)
Entries will be judged by relevance, image quality, creativity, and general aesthetics by myself and a guest judge. Yes, it is subjective. You do not need to be a professional photographer to enter! You just need to have a camera (even your smart phone will do) and a heart :) If you would like to be a guest judge one week please let me know.
This will be an ongoing contest with different themes each week. The point of this contest is to share the beauty we surround ourselves with. And just like with writing, photography takes practice! The more photos you take, the better you become :)
I encourage you to upvote and comment on your favorites!
By interacting with and supporting your fellow Steemitzens you build community and friendship, making our Steemit home a better place for all of us!
This weeks contest runs from today to February 24th 2018 at midnight PST.
Good luck everyone!
What if the last person on Earth was the one you hated most? Dead i. A Steemit Original PAW, Sci Fi, & Suspense Fiction Series. Episode 1 Prologue and Episode 2
Images via Pexels and Pixabay
Thank you for your support, I love you guys ♡
With Love, Positivity and Good Mojo Light,
May Your Days Be Always Happy and Bright!
Be a Strong Steemit Ambassador
A Crazy Trick to Write Difficult Things That Really works!
A Writing Activity that Boosts Your Descriptive Skills
Mentor a Minnow Winner
10 Secrets to University Success That Also Work in All Areas in Your Life
Dead i, Steemit Original Fiction
The Burn of the Badge
My Original Funny, Amazing, and Meme-Worthy Photography and Videos
Parking for Residents Only
4 Week Old Kitten Dancing
How You Look When They Refuse to Join Steemit
When They Told You Crypto Was a Waste, then Your Altcoin Tanks...
Scary Coincidence?
If you found this post after day 7 please consider upvoting a recent article ♡
We went out for lunch for a friends birthday and out back near the toilets was this donkey, I love animals so I went and gave him a pat and after a chat, I went in for the obligatory selfie, at that exact moment he stepped closer to me and decided my hair was worth a taste. I squealed...
The end result, this awesome donkey smile selfie!
LOL! What is up with the ass photos today! You and @josediccus! Oh, I'm rolling!
haha, I was thinking the same thing, this post seems to be bringing a lot of ass out..
Amazing again ma'm, Im thrilled about this, I'm just waking up this morning to see this post first hand.
Here is me try to take a picture with a donkey, but then my friend pushed me towards the donkey and then it became a selfie.
Well not that worse worse
Who's making an ass of who? LOL!
Lol I'm thinking we both made an ass of each other Hahahaha
Here's my favorite best-worst picture I have! My kids on Santas lap 2 years ago, my son wouldn't take his hand from his face so it looks like some wierd glamour shot and my daughter wouldn't stop crying. It's gonna be one we pull out every year and at there wedding and graduations.
The girl looks scared, The Santa clause is meme Hshahaha cool boy relaxed as ever
That lil man is a ham, isn't he? lol
You should always look in front of life. You do not know when that moment will come.
This is a beautiful shot, and very well said caption :) I appreciate the entry, however I think you may have misunderstood... This week you're supposed to submit your Best Worst photo :)
Yes, completely misunderstanding 😄
This very very bad 😄

Ha! I agree ;)
Here's my son. Was trying to capture baby smiles and coos. Instead I got this. To make it worst, that's John's butt behind him. 😂😂 😂
LOL! Love it!
Up to now, my tummy aches out of laughing when I see that pic
My mom (@traciyork) Was taking some head shots for me over the summer when a bug started attacking me! haha
LOL! Grrrr!
Backstory; I am really into electronic music and this guy is a famous DJ/producer. This was the 3rd attempt at the photo. Each attempt was equally as bad, but this one was the funniest. Someone spilled at drink on me at the club. I gave up trying to get a good pic with him after that happened. lol

LOL! It may be the worst, but it's the most memorable!
Just thought this was a regular photo until I put it on Facebook and had all the comments and laughs about how I had an angry birds shirt on and I was next to an angry looking bird. Ohh the irony!
HA! Yes!
Hhhhmmmm... i remember someone because of this angry bird...
Here is my best worst picture..
This picture was taken after a morning mass in front of my church.
I was trying to tie the lace of my shoe when this young guy disrupted me saying he will tie it for me.
And those around us brought out their phones to take a shot of this scene..
Awe! lol! How courteous- who says chivalry is dead ;)
Here is my best worst picture when i was little,It was taken 27 years ago.
Lol, is that a rolled up rug you are on?
😀 I am on top of the oldschool couch.
Lol, Ok!
Waited in a queue for almost an hour to visit Santa at a super cute grotto. My daughter cried the whole way round, when we finally got to Santa she lost her mind completely - we had to run outta there as quickly as possible. Here’s our special pic after the magical experience 🙊 bad Mummy laughing!
He he he!
When you walk around the mountain without using makeup. Suddenly a friend of yours try to make fun by capturing your bare face but you hide behind your other friends' back. Unfortunately, your friend is also shy as h*ll. Then both of you unexpectedly create a picture of natural hilarious ecosystem.
It looks very odd at first glance, lol!
I really don't know what was happening here😄...we were trying to take squad pictures but just look at this😥
Lol! !!
Selfie with dog on night in. Should have sent a poet.

Oh great and enjoyable idea with this contest about own worst photo contest. congress to all winner and welcome to new participants.
Join the fun! Submit your best worst photo :)
I have yet to participate in a challenge and was just saying how I should, and I come across this... I think I need to do this :)
Yes, please! I'm looking forward to your entry!
Time to show off some worst photo @arbitrarykitten
You first ;)
Came in to check out the contest thinking I would let the wife know, turns out she had allready entered.
I would enter myself but all my photos are perfect ; ) lol
LOL! Oh I'm sure there's a worst in that best ;)
I love the irony in the contest theme. "Best worst photo" 😂. Good job by the way!
Lol! Thank you :) Do you have an entry? I'd love to see it!
Ohhhh helll nooo!!! hahaha, runs away
Aw. It'll be virtually painless. I promise...
That picture is just too funny! I would have been terrified, hahaha
Gotta think of a pic to maybe join in on this fun!
Take care, @amymya
Yes, I am excited to see your entry!
Love the pictures and the idea of contests. But my picture taking is not any good.
That's ok! This is the Best Worst photo contest ;) Sounds perfect!
como Cuando intentas que tus hijas se tomen una foto perfecta con uno de sus disfraces de Carnaval y no logras ni una después de 20 intentos, bueno así:

The other day...I was trying to take a picture of my fur baby Willow enjoying the rare winter sunshine on the windowsill and she suddenly yawned! And then I ended up yawning too because of course it's contagious. <3
It was actually the birthday of my sister and we did everything to capture the best photo underwater but it turned out to be the best worst photo. Haha
this is a picture of me taken 12years ago. and somehow the picture resurfaced again through a friend that kept it. i cant stop feeling embarrassed for myself for looking like that. its really embarrassing. but trust me. the look is different now. am a grown gentleman and good looking as well
This picture was taken almost 4years ago, way back May 1, 2014. We are in Zhongli/Chungli train station in Taiwan. While waiting for the train we have a group picture together with some of my friends and co-volunteers in the Church. We are going to a Mountain Park for an activity, get together and acquiantance with co-volunteers. 😇
Im the darkest among them, that time im much thinier than now, hehehe because that time im just 48kg, now im 53kg.
I think in this picture me and sis Noemi the one in front of me, we are kidding that time maybe then that's the result, hahajajahaha, while the others have those beautiful smiles, mine seems a facial expression of someone who eat something sour, hehehehe im salivating...
Thanks for your initiative @arbitrarykitten .
Have a great day to all!
Happy blessed weekend...
hi sir. have you chosen your winner for this contest? . have been following you lately to see who wins.
and i hope you feel much better from the accident now sir.
God bless you