merhaba Ferow ,
ben This War of Mine öneririm.
The game shows us the other face of the war. It shows us the story of behind the war and the poeple who try to survive behind the war. When you start to play it is impossible to give up palying again.I want to impress the scenerio of the game is stunning.The game start finding ourself with a few random people in a ruined building.Every people has an unique character : some has better running ability ,some has better aiming ability and some has better cooking ability...
The people who were doctors,advocates before the war life try to learn how to survive.
“The hell is sometimesa far as the news on a radio, and sometimes as close as a bomb explosion which breaks your sleep apart.”
It is too dangerous to go out when it is day because of the snipers and at the nights the looters are on duty.
In the game you have to loot everything as the other survival games.You can choose the people who is going to loot,who is going to wait for the house and who is going to sleep in the house. If one of people would die from the cold,starvation or shooting, the others would have psychological problems and their performances drop down. Actually it is a strategical game that you have to make logical plans to get your people alive and also get high their morales.
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