Participate & Win SBDs : Your Story Contest ! - How you got into photography ?

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Share your story and you could be a winner !

I thought of doing this contest to help Steemit users with great content with not much success yet, however any one can participate. Entire author rewards SBD earnings from this post would be given to the winners, plus some contribution from me as stated below !

Contest Rules

  1. In the comment section of the post write a short story about "How you got into photography as a student/hobbyist/professional" with minimum 100 words along with one of your favorite photographs
  2. Alternatively you could write a post with tag #mystory-contest and post the blog link in the comment here !
  3. Must Resteem and Upvote this post. This will help to get to a higher rewards for the winners.
  4. Be original , use your own content !
  5. Contest runs for a whole week Starting now. You can submit your entry till one hour before the post pay out on Jan 13th, 2018


  • Minimum 1 to Maximum 5 winners.
  • 100% of the Author rewards SBD from this post will be shared with the winners !
  • Minimum winning prize is 3 SBD. Thats almost 24 USD with current exchange rate.
  • If this posts generates less than 3 SDB , I will contribute rest to match 3 SBD.
  • So if post generates 30 SBDs in author rewards each winner could get 6 or more SBDs depending on no of winners.

Selection and Winner(s) announcement !

  • I will go through all entries meeting the contest rules stated above.
  • I will also will look at each profiles content.
  • The best Story along with interesting profile will be selected.
  • Winner(s) will be announced on Sunday Jan 14, 2018 and payout will be on the same day.
  • Follow me @ashwinrajt to get update on the contest results and future contests !

I will also be sending some random invites to the great talents to join contest who are creating good content based on their posts I discovered!

Others not participating also appreciate if you could help supporting this by re-steem

Below is a sample entry , which is my story on how I got in to Photography !

I started photography for the love of travel and nature. Back in 2005 I used to take photographs using a Sony Ericsson phone.Then I used to borrow a Point and shoot camera from a good friend while travelling to take photos. During one of those trips for a friends marriage , I took below photograph which later won me a second price in a photography contest.One of my friend saw the contest ad from a shopping mall and he forced me to enter, now I am glad I did. It won me a Canon Point and shoot at that time and a 2 day basic photography course. This was a great motivation for me. Back in 2009 I bought my first DSLR and started learning photography self , mostly from the Canon manual handbook. Trust me its a great place to start. Since then I have evolved and still learning !

Fisherman in Alleppey Beach, Kerala, India. This is a photo very close to me and I still cherish it !


My Steepshot Photography Gallery


I follow upvote reesteem.

How I got into photography as a hobbyist.

From the very childhood I liked to take pictures.
There is so much beauty around: nature in all its splendor, funny animals, beloved relatives and friends, happy and not very happy moments of life.
But earlier the photography accessories were cumbersome, and the process of making photos was a long one.

But nowadays with a digital camera we can make a photo so quickly!
I have bought Sony Cybershot Digital Camera and the photos of nature, animals, people and especially children, gives me happy emotions, fills me with joy!

Photos of important moments in life is refreshing our memories!
And photos of majestic buildings and structures built by people, inspires respect for human labor!


Thank you for participating

Hello, here is the link to my story. Thank you for this beautiful contest and for inspiring me to write my story. Good luck to all participants!

Thank you for participating !

Here we go:


Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!

Thank you for Participating !

The photo I show here marks the beginning of my path as a landscape photographer. I took it back in 2009 at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon on my first real photo trip. Just half a year earlier I had bought my first DSLR, a Canon 40D.

I always liked to be out in nature, to do hikes and I was also fascinated by landscape photos of other photographers. It was a dream of mine to one day take such photos myself.

So I read many books, listened to countless podcasts about landscape photography and learned how to use a camera. When I went to the Grand Canyon I knew my equipment and I had already taken my first 1000 photos. But until then I hadn't taken a serious landscape photo, which I would hang on a wall.

This changed on this particular morning as the sun glimpsed through the storm clouds near Yaki Point. This morning I got the first impression of how rewarding it can be to spend hours scouting a location, to get up long before sunrise and then to persistently wait for the right light to capture a scene.

Since that morning I have photographed countless sunrises and sunsets, travelled around the world to explore fascinating landscapes. But this morning at the Grand Canyon will always be something special for me. Because this is how it all started.

Thank you for participating :)

I started taking pictures when I travelled around Costa Rica and Panama with some friends in the beginning of 2013. The stunning nature and the endless variety of the landscapes impressed me that much that I just couldn't help myself and I kept looking for great spots to take pictures. After that I realized that even in my small hometown near Munich there were countless opportunities to take great pictures and I continued! Last year, the first half of 2017, I took a semester abroad in Finland and I was so excited since I knew that I would have a lot opportunities to capture some amazing shots! The following picture was taken at the opera house in Oslo, Norway after we attended the ballet. The sun was setting and showed us the pure beauty of nature! I later found out that the Norwegian painter Edvard Munch, who painted The Scream, was inspired to paint this famous painting when he whitnessed a Norwegian sunset and after that evening I can understand why!

I hope you liked my story, good luck to everyone with the contest :)

Thank you for participating !

I started in photography because my nature is linked to writing. You do not get it? It is very simple. When I write I tear my soul to get images that awaken sensations, smells and even memories in your mind. Thus, just as words build my world, photography represents it.

I am an amateur photographer, I started in 2016 with a modest phone and since then I have been trying to create the visual representation of my imaginary world. I believe that photography is the best tool to convert the invisible world of the imagination them in a perceptible reality


Thank you for participating

In my childhood, when I started observed things surrounding me, I noticed that I can take pictures also .
Travel always fascinate me infect new places attracts me a lot.
I love to capture water, sun set, clouds, animals, flowers, plants and places.
Whenever I visit new place, I wonder that How God create such a wonderful place like a heaven on earth.
upvoted, resteem

Thank you for participating and starting the contest with First entry. Thats a great shot !

you welcome dear, stay connected

I always had an interest in landscape photography when I was a child, but I was always told it's never going to happen since the camera equipment were so expensive. Fast forward 20 years, my love for nature never left me. At the time, the idea of spending $1,500 on a camera was insane, but I knew it was something I always wanted to do.

I was working as a web designer and pretty often I would need to spend money on stock photos. So, one day I figured why don't I just buy a DSLR and make my own content to use. Really, though, I knew deep inside I was just making an excuse to buy a camera. That idea of shooting for my web design business was short-lived. After a year, I decided to quit web design and go photography full time.


The first day of spring there was heavy snow I was sitting in a parked car trying to decide where to shoot. I don't even know who lives in this house, but as I was sitting there, I looked out the window and thought "wow, what a beautiful sight" and it became my favorite photo of the year.

Thank you for Participating !

it was a hot summer day ...year 2010 .. then I was using a Canon EOS 5D camera. and I saved a lot of money to buy this camera. This scene, which I happened to see by chance, was very influential to me. The first frame I took with my new camera! i dont know anything sinking ship .walking around in Konak /İZMİR.. suddenly this ship took my attention so i got closer there and took a picture ...

Hello @artizm - Thanks for participating . You would have to write a story on how you go in to photography. Please check the contest guidelines in my post above !

I have edited! my English is not good enough: / sorry.

No worries , thank you !

was this ship actually sinking or did it already hit the bottom?

I will participate, I think) upvote and repost

Great, looking forward to it !

Long Time Ago , I discover that I have a sense of photography
i Mean When I Watch Some Pictures , I notice That some Of Them
Taken in bad Angle , & Thinking This if It's Take In Deferent Angle Will Be Amazing .. , Normal People When tHey See any Picture There are not Focusing in Angles ^^ So .. When I got Camera I Did Amazing Pictures ... Also There is same Company in my country They Try To work With Many photographer But They Like My work , Always contacting me to take professional photography of there Products ..I have Lot Of photography pictures
I don't know Which One to pick ^^ i Will Participate with This Picture ( without any editing ) :

Thank you for Participating !

Hello there! Name's Louie. I've only recently gotten into photography just as a hobby. I was a film minor back in college and I really enjoyed capturing the world around me. Through film it was capturing movement in a visual way. A few months ago I moved from my home and with it, I stopped filming. I just didn't have any great ideas or know what to film. Two weeks ago, I decided I needed to get back into a visual medium. Something creative to put my mind to. I decided that for all of 2018, I will take a photo every day and at the end make a mosaic with all 365 photos. I own DLSR and a Yashica 35mm Film camera and I plan to take photos with both. My goal is to tell a story with each picture that helps me remember the day. Now I'm 6 days in, and I'm hoping for the best!

This photo I took on January 2nd while at the Philadelphia Museum Art. My favorite photo so far into this challenge.

Thank you for participating :)

I am not a photographer but I like to take pictures where I go and want to be a photographer. This photo I took in France when I went on vacation with family. I always keep this photo, because this photo reminds me of the past when I was not married. A stand-alone bird without being accompanied by a partner or friends who are experiencing fear will be attacked by his opponent. This bird became my memory to the past that my country experienced a civil war that kept me aloof from many people. This is so because I am one of the children of civil war fighters. To tell this I feel very sad, because do not even a friend of a brother would not interact with me. I have to pursue any education to the name of parents to be accepted at the place of education. But God sided with me because of his destiny to bring disaster that hit the province where I live "Aceh". With the catastrophic "Tsunami" of the world's eyes on our province to bring aid. The world is afraid to give help because our province is a civil conflict. Thus, many parties are bringing peace to Aceh supported by International. When peace happens then happiness side to me can mingle again with friends. So also with this bird later happiness siding with him. This is my anxiety about this photo of a bird that lives in a rich but depressed world.


Thank you for participating :)

heres the link to my entry!

thanks for telling me about this contest, and good luck to everyone

Thank you for participating :)

It all started about 15 years ago. Then only digital cameras began to be sold. This became my main idea. Before that, I was not interested in photography. Too much time and action had to pass between the shooting and the finished photo.

It so happened that the purchase of the camera coincided with the first trip to the sea. I went to Red Sea. First look beyond the surface of the water has left unforgettable impression. I spent in the water all my free time - 6-8 hours a day, swim away for many miles. It seemed as the fate itself pushed me to the underwater photography - on my return one of the first things I saw was the underwater case for my camera.
At the first opportunity I went to sea again - and again spent all my time in the water, this time with the camera. Breath-hold dive and shoot at the same time was not quite easy, but nothing could stop me. And since then I have never missed an opportunity to dive with a camera in any water which I have met along the way.
Every year more and more trips began to come across to me - free diving and scuba diving, salt water and fresh, in cold and in the tropics.

Thank you for participating :)

Thank You for this opportunity)
I'm new at steemit and it's important for me.

Follow upvote reesteem!!! Maybe I take part to this contest!!!

Thank you.

Hello, here is the link to my story.
Very grateful for allowing us to share our story.

Thank you for participating !

Thank you for Participating !

Here is my entry:

Right on time , thank you for participating !

Phew! Thank you!

Thank you all for participating. I will announce the winners tomorrow !