Thanks for the warm support and thanks for the fantastic song, which I didn't know. In my opinion, being a believer does not exclude a harsh and polemical dialectic with the object of one's belief. If I remember my religion lessons well, wondering about God is a form of searching for God, but perhaps I am talking about these things too lightly, because I am an atheist. Sorry if I lacked respect.
I would be inclined to consider the song you posted as your participation, would you like?
P.S.: I have to specify what Bananafish Servant I am, because not all of those use this account share the same religious beliefs ;)
CyDear @BananaFish Servant Marco xP,It was a pleasure Marco, and thank You for specifying that, ohh and also send my compliments to @F3nix if You happen to seem him around, haven't talked with him for a while ;)
Ciao @cyberspacegod! Better late than never as they say 😛 I like the "Bananafish servant Marco" looks very 1984 haha cheers!
CyCiao @F3nix, how have You been? Everything good?