I am a developer and I spend my days solving some pretty complicated problems. Part of my job requires solving bugs that customers have encountered (usually due to their own stupidity), mostly in Internet Explorer 10. That's not even the hardest part of my job, it's what happens outside of work hours: family.
Everyone assumes because I work on a computer, that I am some tech support God. I spend my days fielding calls from my sisters, my dad, aunts and uncles about their computer problems. My dad calls me up quite often, "The monitor has stopped working, computer is on and there is no picture" - turns out his dog has a knack for knocking the monitor cable lose from the back. I tell him every time, "CHECK NONE OF THE CABLES ARE LOOSE" - seems he suffers from technology amnesia.
The tech support for friends and family, that's not the hard part either. Everyone in my family is an entrepreneur and I am the only developer, so EVERY hairbrained scheme they come up with, they'll call me.
"Dwayne, I have this great idea for an app, it's going to compete with Google and I reckon it can make us lot of money, millions"
Cool idea, except for the fact everyone expects me to build them an app (it's always an app) for free, ignorant of the fact I work long hours Monday to Friday. And for some reason, the apps people are asking me to build, they're always trying to compete with someone like Facebook or Google like it's easy.
Not only do they expect me to build their dream idea into an app for free, sometimes they'll act like they're doing me a favour by letting me take part in their brilliant app idea, giving me some equity and acting like that it is going to take over the world.
Then you have the family members who want you to build them websites, for the numerous businesses they want to start. Normally getting a website built can cost you (even on the cheap side) a $1000+ for a super basic Wordpress site.
Not only do they want me to build it for them, they expect me to design it for them too (I am not designer). Then I constantly field calls when the site "goes down" (usually because they broke something) or when they want to make changes.
Besides the tech support calls, requests to build apps and websites - you get calls asking you to help Uncle Bruce get to page one of Google or optimise their Google Adwords strategy.
Oh, a family member wants to buy a new computer? Sure, give me a call and ask me what computer you should get which ultimately ends up being: if I pay for the parts, can you tell me what to buy and then build me a computer? Anything involving computers, I am the goto guy in my family.
It's a never ending cycle of tech favours, nobody wants to pay, everyone assumes you work on a computer every day and everyone assumes that what I do is easy and takes very little time.
It's exhausting being a developer sometimes.