It's weird that the economy relies on so many people like you... who do unpaid work... when it is the sort of thing that enables other people to do "productive" work. One day, this sort of work will be actually valued... after all, if people didn't do it, society and the economy would fall over... however, it just isn't priced in.
I'm impressed that you can do the home-schooling... I would find it pretty difficult, too much boundary crossing between the parent and educator roles for my liking!
I don't compartmentalise that much, the parent and educator roles are the same as far as I'm concerned, I just kept going XD And even if you use the school system you're still faciliating because you're the one ultimately responsible for which school your kid uses and you still have to be pretty involved XD (or at least the high school my daughter tried out seemed to try really hard to involve the parents in all aspects which was great except I quite simply could not cope with the extra demands and J works full time).
The volunteer/unpaid work is valued (or at least should be, if the person you're doing it for isn't appreciating/valuing it they will when you've had enough and stop or if they don't you're probably better off not dealing with their entitled arse anyway ;D). And that's the thing that will keep the world going if/when the economy collapses XD