Community Blackjack!

Are you ready to play… again??

Thanks to Community Casino
‘hell yeah, deal me in!!’
After this @ccasino will draw your ‘hand’ and dealers hand then day 2 will start and hits and stands will begin.

Players who flop a ‘natural’ or a automatic 21, you win 1 SBD from me! Plus you get to stay live for the rest of the hand.
ONE Round for hitting
Once I post the hands in the 2nd post, you will have the next 24 hours to request a hit. You can request up to four 'hits'. I am pretty good about giving extra time if you comment late, but we should both try to be on top of it.
You will only need to upvote and comment "stay" or "hit" ONCE to be considered "ACTIVE" .

The deck will now consist of 4 full 52 card decks. As cards are drawn, they are removed. Only 4 of any single card is in each deck."

24 hours after the second post goes live, I will post the third and final post. This will reveal the dealer’s hand and the winner(s)!
If more than one player wins, pot will be split between them.
If the dealer wins, SBD Prize Pool will hold over until the next game!

You now have 24 hours to respond to this post and upvote
Questions and Comments!
Want to discuss any of this with Team Epic and others? Join our discord channel BY CLICKING HERE. You may also follow all Community Casino posts by all authors on SteemIt @ccasino.

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@themarkymark For Witness

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Hit meh baby one more time!
well, hello there!! Haven't seen you in a minute, glad you're back!
Good luck!!
Yes!! I Have been AWOL. But i'm back now!
Deal me in, please.
you got it baby.
Deal me in please.
since you asked so nicely... ok!
I'm all in
oh, I know you are, @steveconnor.
all. up. in. it.
Me me me me
Deal me in....
I can do All Things Through Christ...
Have I quoted that one already? I think it every single time, lol!!
para mi corazon, absolutamente!!
hey b...i'll have some of that...
hey q. you know I got you, baby.
Let's get handsy.
oh, you know it baby! ;)
good luck!!
A place at the table please!
you are in my friend! :)
I request a hand. Thanks J
my pleasure, @jjb777!!
aww, you asked nicely too! consider yourself dealt!
Post with hands should go live tonight around 10 pm PST! Good luck!
Deal me please!!
por supuesto!!
good luck!
Deal me in pppppplease!
anything for you, Mikey!!
I request hand
your request is GRANTED my good friend!!
lol, good luck!!
Im in
you got it @marzi!
give me bwack jack
I'll put a good word in with the dealer, @alaqrab!
Deal me in :)
hey you! I will deal you in, and gladly!!
lol, good luck!
I'm in thank's!
hey! I was totally going to dm you if you were going to miss this again, but look! You're here!! yay!!
Good luck!!
HAHA- believe me if I could set this up on autoplay I would!
Deal me in please! :)
you know I will, @reko!!
jawohl! :D
Cards please,