Reading through these entries has made me
A.) Impressed at the sheer amount of cash people carry.
B.) Insanely jealous of the pocket space people have. We have some straight up Mary Poppins shit going on up in here!
Reading through these entries has made me
A.) Impressed at the sheer amount of cash people carry.
B.) Insanely jealous of the pocket space people have. We have some straight up Mary Poppins shit going on up in here!
Its so entertaining to find out what people have in their pockets!! I tried to watch you video so many time but dtube kept freezing up on me :(. I’m just going to assume it was hilarious as always :)
Haha no worries. Just me bitching about not having pockets! Hahah, you didn't miss much! This is an interesting contest for sure!
Mrs. Goldmatters thinks you are hilarious :) ever since the goldmoney rap she has been a big fan!
Aw, that's so nice! That was a crazy video!!!