Mi idea para u concurso "Concurso de fotografías originales de expresiones faciales de estemianos" en donde el concursante haga una explicación del origen de su expresión. Seria divertido por las diferentes caras de nuestros amigos de la comunidad. Jajajaja ya me imagino la de muchos. Soy dibujante y te voy a enviar un dibujo en el cual participe en un concurso de expresiones faciales, claro esta en tu idea para este concurso serian fotografías originales. Chao amigo espero tener suerte y les deso a todos muchos éxitos con sus ideas.
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My Spanish skills are nonexistent. But used an online translator. Figure I'll post the results for others that can't read Spanish and in case someone that can thinks the translator was incorrect and wants to clarify:
My idea for "contest of original photographs of facial expressions of Estemianos" where the contestant makes an explanation of the origin of his expression. It would be fun for the different faces of our friends in the community. Jajajaja and I imagine the many. I'm a cartoonist and I'll send you a drawing in which participates in a contest of facial expressions, of course this in your idea for this contest would be original photographs. Chao friend I hope to get lucky and give them
very good. You translated my idea well. henceforth I will do it in English, no problem, greetings and thanks for reading my idea for your contest. successes to all.
Oh good your English is much better then my Spanish...lol. Glad the translator program didn't butcher your thoughts.
You are a good dude :-) But better start learning some basic Spanish to help you through your America's travel. hehe The girls will learn super fast anyway and help you along. LOL
My Oldest is already starting to take Spanish. She was debating Mandarin and I told her Spanish would probably be used more then Mandarin.
If someone talks Spanish and I'm around it for a few days again I'd start to at least understand it again to a point. Used to be around it a lot more and I could understand the conversation enough, but like anything else once you don't use it the skill is lost....at least until you practice again.
Good call there, Spanish is way more universal. While Chinese people are all over the world they generally speak another language anyway. Not to mention you have to be a natural liguiest to even attempt to learn it.