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RE: *CLOSED* Traf's 1 Liner Contest: Unlikely Ways To Break Up With Someone

in #contest8 years ago

Unlikely ways to break up with someone....

  1. When she says she wants to move to a new city, query whether you can have her apartment when she leaves.
  2. Bill Cosby her drink, send her home with a stranger, then blame the infidelity on her.
  3. Spray paint 'It's not you, it's me' on the roof of her car, then drive it into her house right below her window. For some 90's flair throw 'Nookie' on repeat in the stereo.
    (One of these is actually a true story)

I bet you bill cosbied her you sicko :)

I guess all you'd need to do in that case is invite Bill to join you and let nature turn its course. I can't believe you let that sweater wearer pop her puddin, allegedly, you'd say the next morning. Obviously it was #3, best way to rid ones self of a limp bizkit CD.