
I see something you did, perhaps using observation and deduction skills to try for the bonus bonus point, hmmmm?


I had to do something, I can't tilt my head back that far without causing damage from the lesions on my spinal cord and brain base. I've been thinking all day long of what to do and this was about it lol. So yeah, I had to shoot fot the moon for bonus, bonus points lol.

Nice work, but you were third!

lol I dont think I can get up

It looks like you're stuck there!

I am

Side note: Your pic from yesterday is just about as awesome as they get. It's like you're wearing a magical water hat. 😵

You are still a baby 😂. Peaceeeeee

LOL I took to long getting mine, messing up timer etc etc and was upside down to long
getting up wasnt such a problem but staying up was, was feeling very light headed nd dizzy in the end

Same crazy folks every day. It's like we're part of a special club. 😆

We're special alright...


🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕
🍕 🍕 I'm in!🍕 🍕
🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕

😂 Special Selfie Club

I have to admit that I stalk the post to make sure everybody got their pic in. I got seriously worried when I didn’t see @bluelightbandit or @stuntworksinc until the last hour. This contest might go on forever! (I hope!) Hope your head is okay @dearjyoce!

I totally do that too. And if I notice someone's not posted. I try to warn them! LOL!

We're in it for the long haul. 😍

Yeah, I was running amok yesterday and didn't have time to get a pic. Took awhile today, wanted to get it right.


Well, I was glad to see your entry!

We are a special club :)

I hit my head hard 😂😂😂

oh no!!

I'm really clumsy at times I get used to it lol