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RE: I Won 225 SBD From @hendrix22 NFL Survivor Contest!

in #contest7 years ago

meh, it's definitely better than it was this past weekend. We're around 35°F now, few days ago was bitter cold with wind (around 5°F when I woke up, high of 27ish). Few days of that made me ready for spring


Gross! I'm ready for spring as well lol. Your baby comes in Spring so of course you're excited. One of my sons and I were both born in May :) Hopefully you get a Gemini baby!!

For sure man. Absolutely! Oh nice, not sure the baby will make it to Gemini though, due May 9th so she'll be way ready to pop by then, haha.

Well May 21st isn't that far past the 9th. It's possible lol

haha that's a good point. Out of our hands so we shall see!