Week 3 tardy to the party Survivor pool.
Did you get eliminated from other pools, or make 2 bad picks? Perfect, ours just started. Just comment with your pick for Week 3.
If you're playing the LA Rams @ San Fancisco 49ers game please have your picks in by 8:20pm EST Thursday.
Here's how it works
Contest Breakdown
All games are included . If there is a Saturday game in London or something that game will also be included in the contest as well. The contest will run for the entire regular season (17 weeks).
Rules for when the contest closes each week
The contest will have no deadlines. As long as you make the pick before the game starts, your pick will count. Even if you do not make a pick that week, you will not be eliminated.
- 1st Place $50 SBD
- 2nd Place $100 SBD
- 3rd Place $50 SBD
How to Play
- Each week you will select one team which you guarantee (think) will win their game. You can only chose each team once for the entire season so pick wisely .
- This contest will run with no elimination.
- The winner is the person who has the most correct selections minus wrong selections at the end of the 17th week.
Tie Breaker
- If there is more then one person with the same overall score after all 17 weeks of football have been played out then there will be a playoff challenge for those players.
Keeping Track of Results
- Each week I will be running a spread sheet showing everyone's previous picks, if they were right or wrong, the teams they have already used (since you can only pick each team once), the players correct selections, the players incorrect selections and the total score.
Week #3 - Game List
Game 1 - Thursday @ 8:25pm EST
- LA Rams @ San Fransisco 49ers
Games 2-11- Sunday @ 1:00pm EST
- Baltimore Ravens @ Jacksonville Jaguars
- Denver Broncos @ Buffalo Bills
- New Orleans Saints @ Carolina Panthers
- Pittsburgh Steelers @ Chicago Bears
- Atlanta Falcons @ Detroit Lions
- Cleveland Browns @ Indianapolis Colts
- Tampa Bay Buccaneers @ Minnesota Vikings
- Houston Texans @ New England Patriots
- Miami Dolphins @ New York Jets
- New York Giants @ Philadelphia Eagles
Games 12-14 - Sunday @ 4:00pm EST
- Seattle Seahawks @ Tennessee Titans
- Cincinnati Bengals @ Green Bay Packers
- Kansas City Chiefs @ LA Chargers
Game 15 - Sunday @ 8:30pm EST
- Oakland Raiders @ Washington Redskins
Game 16 - Monday @ 8:30pm EST
- Dallas Cowboys @ Arizona Cardinals
Excellent @brittuf https://postimg.org/image/55q2k5anp/96ffe1be/
U have a pick?
Pittsburgh Steelers
New England Patriots
Dallas Cowboys