Here are my picks. I've sent 2 Steem to each of them.
Original post:
@d00k13 (63)Human · 9 days ago
Back story before the discussion:
I will start by saying I smoke regularly including at this very moment. I can clearly remember my very first time, I don’t remember much this clearly. My friends peer pressured me into as always, said I needed to just chill out after I had wrecked my Jeep same day I bought it. I ended up zoning out on the camp fire for awhile only to have my friends come check on me because that was really strange behaviour from my normal back then. When they finally got my attention I immediately got angry but not because they had broken my attention but because as I said “why didn’t you make me do this sooner?” They all laughed which didn’t help, egged me on, but that’s besides the point. This was the first time I had ever felt “calm” that I can recall, until I started smoking I was chaos internally combined with frantic mentally. This was the summer between grade 10-11, I failed grad 10 but went back in 10 with vengeance completing 10 & 11 in one year. 12 was a breeze and I graduated on time with honours as the most improved student and highest marks in physics and electronics. I helped me at that point in my life.
When the shift takes place when you are no longer using the substance to aide your abilities (yes it makes you lazy but only when burnt out) but instead becoming dependent on it for day to day life things get complex.
So in short yes but with stipulations, such as screening and ready transition systems to move people into medicinal category. Many people including yourself would need to have a “pharmacist” walk you through how each strain and variation will affect you. Sativa responds differently then Indica and depending an how much an means of intake a difference in form may make the difference for comfort and enjoyment.
People will say recreational but that’s a wide array, using it before work is the same as being a drunk. There needs to be stipulations such as you start purchasing large amounts you need to talk to a professional and we need to have those “professionals” legitimized. I smoke only at night when it is time to power down, I have quit for weeks at a time only to find that real pharmaceuticals have extremely odd side effects and do not fill the void. Always I am left with that racing feeling and inability to focus which was the alarming conclusion I came to while staring at the campfire that one faithful night. I doubt I will ever purchase from a dispensary myself, I prefer to know the grower first hand or grow my own. Even though I only smoke at night the same as most people would have a beer after work I wouldn’t consider myself a recreational user though I could still gain ample supply through that gateway.
You see the problem is the definition of recreational, I personally think it needs to go full medicinal and completely decriminalized rather then just legalized. It’s a freaking herb ffs, salvia grows wild here in some areas hard to charge people for that herb. I would love to see someone even attempt to drive on salvia! Never been a charge of it because you are blackout with full blown hallucinations.
This will never happen because they cannot patent something that grows so abundantly, thus all the attempts to synthesize oils but they do not contain the same level of medicinal value unlike other drugs synthesized. Those drugs often being stronger then the original for medicinal effects and euphoria. All they have successfully amplified in the synthetic variants of weed is the euphoric effects lmao!
Why start a habit that would be difficult to let go to begin with?@celineaugustinee (51) . Human · 9 days ago
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There is nothing so precious than having good health which can be guaranteed through healthy habits to a large extent. Recreational Marijuana is not good for our health and can cause serious damages to it in a long run. Consequences of smoking marijuana or recreational marijuana includes:
• It consistently destroys the lungs which could obstruct breathing.
• It hurts the mind which goes further to reduce our ability to assimilate in learning or retention of memory which can results in poor performance not just in school but at work and when performing other activities.
• For pregnant women, it could harm the baby so badly that it could lead to they loss of the baby or result to the baby delivered deformed or under weight which might result to intensive care of the infant.
Finally, it reduces our longevity and causes health complications which might lead to spending a fortune on one's health. So instead of going through this process of spending your resources, pains and unhealthy body; don't start at all. "Say No To Recreational Marijuana and Yes to Good Health And A Sound Mind." Thank You.
THANKS @bunnypuncher
I also want to use this medium to say I'm excited that you didn't stop your contests @bunnypuncher. Thanks for bringing this insightful topic today.
The cigarette is legal. Alcohol is legal. Side effects are much according to one's usage of this. 100's of chemicals are in the cigarette. Never knows what we are drinking along with liquor it is contaminated with chemicals. All the two major things considered as harm is legal along with many other things which give some elevated mood or doze.
In the Northern part of India, one group of people publicly smoke the stuff, and they are spiritual people, seekers. In India marijuana is illegal and it brings heavy punishment, but these guys are using it like common people using the cigarette. If others keep that, it is illegal, seekers keep that, it is a part of meditation. I just tell this to show you the rules are flexible. I'am not criticizing anybody.@sabari18 (55)Human · 8 days ago
You can see groups of these types of guys smoking the stuff here and there in many areas in Northern India. The govt with the strict legal opinion on the stuff is doing nothing in this activity.
In Ayurveda medical practice the marijuana has its main role in many healing practices, but it is purified and used. Marijuana is considered as a toxic plant in Ayurveda, and it is used after carefully purified.
The excess use of Marijuana has its side effects as other entertaining things.
Legalized, supervised, controlled use of this stuff in society will bring us more meditators, poets, scientists and more bunnypunchers.
Congratz @d00k13! Happy to see you've won something today too! :D
Thanks dude! I am very glad to be selected now to put that winnings to good work following the bunny example 😉
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CONGRATULATIONS to the winners!
ALL excellent choices
I’m new on steemit glad to see contests like this which will surely help newbies -referred by @khussan
Too bad I missed this debate I would have love to join in that, will the next one be?
edit: and what will it be about?
I'll try and do one a week. I'm open to topics if you have something you would like to see. If not I'll pick from a big list of stuff I have.
Ok that sounds great I'll be sure to join in.
I think gun controll would be a hot topic or maybe abortion (Although the last one might get a little heated).
I am looking forward to your next debate.
Also in the country I live in (holland) we have a politician running for the election (geert wilders) and he started a heated debate over here.
He was holding a contest that had the participants draw a picture of the prophet mohammed (like charlie hebdo did) and it led to heated arguments from both sides (also a lot of death threats).
this debate was between people who were pro freedom of speech and people who think you can't insult people.
this might be an interesting debate too since it gets heated easily and concerns everyone.
I'm so super excited to be one of your winners @bunnypuncher. Thanks so much and congratulations to other winners.
Hello, I hope this very good Mr @Bunnypuncher, I was a little disconnected, these days for work, talking about the logo contest is over? I'm confused because I'm not sure if you chose one of mine, I saw it in the photo of the publication 10 days ago, the one with the dark glasses, I would like to know if it was chosen?
I'm not sure I thought bunny in sunglasses was on the list. But I make my share of mistakes and this was several months ago. I do like the bunny with the sunglasses so I'll send you 5 steem for using it. Cuz I like to think I deserve the shades for being cool dude sometimes.
Good clear that you are brilliant, you realize good contests, the truth alone I won once with the daily contest of comments and managed to arrange my air conditioning I remember, it was months ago also, and always I will be here to the earring of your blog because it pleases me! Regards and thank you very much for bearing in mind the brilliant rabbit of glasses, like that I see you. There is other one also that I you sent later here I leave you the link of my publication for this moment, if you want also you can use it Gracias @Bunnypuncher!
W00t W00t I’m on the top! I love when my life story makes me into a winner.... was a good subject I hadn’t thought of in awhile.
Much appreciated dude!
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"salvia grows wild here in some areas hard to charge people for that herb"
Salvia divinorum is endemic to the Sierra Mazateca in the state of Oaxaca in Mexico. -
Unless you live in Mexico Salvia doesn't grow wild there
Salvia divinorum
Salvia divinorum (also known as sage of the diviners, ska maría pastora, seer's sage, yerba de la pastora or simply salvia) is a plant species with transient psychoactive properties when its leaves are consumed by chewing, smoking or as a tea. The leaves contain opioid-like compounds that induce hallucinations. Because the plant has not been well-studied in high-quality clinical research, little is known about its toxicology, adverse effects, or safety over long-term consumption.
Its native habitat is cloud forest in the isolated Sierra Mazateca of Oaxaca, Mexico, where it grows in shady, moist locations.