Favorite food
Best vacation
Unexpected learning
Best surprise
Worst surprise
What kind of work would you do if you had to take a completely different job
guess the price of bitcoin or hardga SBD every day, who gets close to that is the champion. according to the closest guess .. can also be in other currency ,, like USD, GBP, URO, and many currencies other than kiptro currency.
separti listed in the forex factory ,, https: //www.forexfactory.com
I don't like such contest and it is too common here on steemit. It's not challenging nor interesting. I love yesterday's contest more because you would some people's funny views on some serious issues. such type of contest may help you guess some general opinions on some critical societal issues
What if the topic is about the heroes who are most meritorious to their country's independence, we want to hear a little story they commented on this ..
Hopefully can add to our knowledge all ..
Hey @bunnypuncher,The world cup 2018 is getting closer, I suggest that you make it a topic that will be discussed in your daily contest, so we can hear the country they support in the 2018 World Cup in Russia, and whoever their favorite team that can win the World Cup will get a trophy daily from you .. haha
What if the topic is about the heroes who are most meritorious to their country's independence, we want to hear a little story they commented on this ..
Hopefully can add to our knowledge all ..
I was asking for input to see what my followers would like to discuss. I have lots of ideas (lists and lists of topics), but I want to make them topical and what people want to talk about. Plus, being computer guru and all I can google after all if I needed more ideas.
I suggest that you ask your contest commentator to send a photo his of who are smiling ..
I also want to glance at it, I hope know someone that interest me and I will make it as boyfriend .. Maybe you also want to choose who the prettiest of them to make it as your girlfriend..lol.
I think their smile photo is needed to add color in your contest ..😊😊😊😊😊
Let's try to do a donation for organizations of charity, your followers post name and you randomly sent SBD to organization. Let's do a world better, on STEEMIT we can!
my greetings, I would like to create an idea where the little ones in this or those with fewer experiences, will win, at least until they acquire necessary skills.
It would be an interesting proposal to take pictures of special children, where they show themselves doing some activity or living a moment of happiness.
Having people's views on some major societal issues will also be a good one. You can also do quiz. yesterday's contestvis a good example. Instead of asking people to comment randomly, pick a topic and let everyone share their views on the topic and you pic the responses you think truly addressed the topic. There are tons of topics to choose from
Would you rather have the power to teleport anywhere in the universe, or the ability to learn anything instantly?
What's one thing you wish you could change about Steemit?
Pick one sentence to tell yourself one year ago, with a maximum of five words. (It can't be anything related to Bitcoin or investments--that's too easy.)
What is one thing that nobody knows for sure that you wish you knew the answer to?
Hi @bunnypuncher , i think you should give everyday a puzzle type something to solve. Thus people will use their brain to solve. And most importantly, you can remove some user from random choose who do spam comment only, not answering the questions.
What qualities they appreciate from their unforgetable teacher? If the topic is okey to you, then the answers can be the basis for another improvement of my mom and maybe to me coz I also love teaching in the future. Thank you.
How do you go about looking for accurate news sources?
Where is your favourite place on earth?
What do you do to reduce stress?
What does suffering mean to you?
Have you ever pondered the idea of enlightenment? If so, what does it mean to you?
What would it be like if everyone on earth was silent for a day?
Where are you from?
It's hard to be unhappy when we're grateful. What are you grateful for?
Which blockchain techs will still be around in 10 years?
Are we all oppressed?
Is slavery only in the mind?
What is true freedom and how can someone achieve it?
Is it wrong to depict God in an image?
What is more important than money?
Do men and women love the same way?
Is the moon hollow?
If there are beings on other planets, would the laws of physics and survival mean they are quite like animals on earth or could they be different?
Favorite food
Best vacation
Unexpected learning
Best surprise
Worst surprise
What kind of work would you do if you had to take a completely different job
You just planted 0.08 tree(s)!
We have planted already 4216.50 trees
out of 1,000,000
Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
My Steem Power = 25684.89
Thanks a lot!
guess the price of bitcoin or hardga SBD every day, who gets close to that is the champion. according to the closest guess .. can also be in other currency ,, like USD, GBP, URO, and many currencies other than kiptro currency.
separti listed in the forex factory ,, https: //www.forexfactory.com
I don't like such contest and it is too common here on steemit. It's not challenging nor interesting. I love yesterday's contest more because you would some people's funny views on some serious issues. such type of contest may help you guess some general opinions on some critical societal issues
I also agree the previous contest but he wants to exchange contes because.
If you were an animal which would you be and why? Will be a good contest. You can be switching the contest topics to make it more interesting
My idea, how to chair up a crying child.?
My ideas
Who and why according to you is ......of yout country
How about writing a short story like in Reddit Writing Prompts? Doesn't have to be long, 4-6 lines should be enough.
@bunnypuncher I will write a few ideas. Everyone has an idea, after all
Indiscutiblemente las trivias son la mejor idea!!!
What if the topic is about the heroes who are most meritorious to their country's independence, we want to hear a little story they commented on this ..
Hopefully can add to our knowledge all ..
Hey @bunnypuncher,The world cup 2018 is getting closer, I suggest that you make it a topic that will be discussed in your daily contest, so we can hear the country they support in the 2018 World Cup in Russia, and whoever their favorite team that can win the World Cup will get a trophy daily from you .. haha
What if the topic is about the heroes who are most meritorious to their country's independence, we want to hear a little story they commented on this ..
Hopefully can add to our knowledge all ..
How about photo contest where you take a picture of something and others need to take one as well?
I have an idea for your daily contest topic, ask everyone about the favorite tourist spots in the world that they really desire to visit..
My topic: What kind of activity makes you happy?
Hahahahaha..it turns out you're running out of ideas for your daily contest topic,.😝..
Just ask us about the ideals we want to pursue, I'm sure this could be a good idea. have fun ..
I was asking for input to see what my followers would like to discuss. I have lots of ideas (lists and lists of topics), but I want to make them topical and what people want to talk about. Plus, being computer guru and all I can google after all if I needed more ideas.
how about.. "what would you do to help better the world? "
I suggest that you ask your contest commentator to send a photo his of who are smiling ..
I also want to glance at it, I hope know someone that interest me and I will make it as boyfriend .. Maybe you also want to choose who the prettiest of them to make it as your girlfriend..lol.
I think their smile photo is needed to add color in your contest ..😊😊😊😊😊
Let's try to do a donation for organizations of charity, your followers post name and you randomly sent SBD to organization. Let's do a world better, on STEEMIT we can!
I would recommend some topic of debate, so that the activity is exciting.
my greetings, I would like to create an idea where the little ones in this or those with fewer experiences, will win, at least until they acquire necessary skills.
Mi idea es preguntar: ¿Que piensas de una persona con VIH? ?La Abrazarías o le darías un beso?
My idea is to ask: What do you think of a person with HIV? Would you hug her or would you kiss her?
Maybe we talk about individual challenges on steemit and their remedies especially for the newbies.
Individual experiences on steemit so far. The good, the bad and the ugly.
bagai mana cara menpebesar kan akun kita di steem
Make a wish.
It would be an interesting proposal to take pictures of special children, where they show themselves doing some activity or living a moment of happiness.
Raffle contest
Do you think paper planes predated normal air planes?
Having people's views on some major societal issues will also be a good one. You can also do quiz. yesterday's contestvis a good example. Instead of asking people to comment randomly, pick a topic and let everyone share their views on the topic and you pic the responses you think truly addressed the topic. There are tons of topics to choose from
Hi @bunnypuncher , i think you should give everyday a puzzle type something to solve. Thus people will use their brain to solve. And most importantly, you can remove some user from random choose who do spam comment only, not answering the questions.
The go outside, punch actual bunny contest?
favorite superhero quote
What are 3 of the most important issues to you right now?
My idea is about life, what it is about, who we are and what our mission is?
Describe en siete palabras máximo, una de tus grandes pasiones.
What qualities they appreciate from their unforgetable teacher? If the topic is okey to you, then the answers can be the basis for another improvement of my mom and maybe to me coz I also love teaching in the future. Thank you.
Pointless topics people love to argue over, like "what comes first, milk or cereal?" and that kind of stuff
Buenos días
Calentamiento global
La basura en nuestros océanos
Maybe you can start to introduce predictions of prices, or something along those lines...
As a Theme I think I never saw you mentioning sports...
How do you go about looking for accurate news sources?
Where is your favourite place on earth?
What do you do to reduce stress?
What does suffering mean to you?
Have you ever pondered the idea of enlightenment? If so, what does it mean to you?
What would it be like if everyone on earth was silent for a day?
Where are you from?
It's hard to be unhappy when we're grateful. What are you grateful for?
Which blockchain techs will still be around in 10 years?
Are we all oppressed?
Is slavery only in the mind?
What is true freedom and how can someone achieve it?
Is it wrong to depict God in an image?
What is more important than money?
Do men and women love the same way?
Is the moon hollow?
If there are beings on other planets, would the laws of physics and survival mean they are quite like animals on earth or could they be different?