
This is the third hint - it's still locked - did you see hint one and 2 - they appear as replies to the original comments.

Oh have to get some friends to upvote this so we can get moving with that hint.

That would be awesome! 😁 I'm loving how into this you are.

I'm having to figure it out cuz he is driving me crazy now.

Bahahahahaha I'm hoping this hits 20 votes - I've got the best hint so far just waiting. It's a 2 part-er

Whelp there's 20 - dropping hint 3 now!!

I think I've developed computer related OCD in my old age.

With age comes wisdom - let's go bunny!!

I should be wise enough to know better :)

hmm but you are still at this aren't you. Silly rabbit trix are for kids