What is a good amount of SBD tip for a comment I like?

in #contest7 years ago (edited)


So I was thinking about doing the 2 slots as people are leaning that way in the vote.

However, I might bring back the SBD tip for comment thing I used to do.

How much would be a nice direct tip on a comment? No not 10 SBD or nothing don't bother going there. I'm thinking 1 SBD or less. The smaller the amount the more tips I could give for the same amount of SBD. Factor that in before saying each one should be one SBD.

So it would be between .1 to .9 not the largest range but I'm leaning lower more prizes but want to get everyone's ideas.

Like with .1 I could gift 10 people for 1 SBD kind cool but doesn't buy a Starbucks if you drink that stuff.

So .2 I could do 5 people. You get the idea.


Whatever you do and give it your rights and I am sure you are doing it right👍

The 1 sbd is cool but I feel since it is a kind of contest then you should stick to the former format.

To make good 10 lucky people happy, i think 1sbd is perfectly okay.

I think 1sbd is okay and normal, "half bread is better than none " no one can complain about that so far it is a gift. Kudos to you @bunnypuncher

a .5 SBD wont be a bad idea.

I think 10 winners of 1 sbd would be great, do not forget that many people with 1 sbd eat several days, many people use their profits to reinvest or enjoy, and that's great, but there are people who eat those sbd, and there the good thing about using 10 winners, surely one of those 10 you are helping him eat, good day and thank you for your work on the platform

I vote for equal distribution

i told you in Abackward post you select 5 winners

I think 10 people each gets 1 SBD is not a bad thing.In fact 1SBD is good choice.

.1 could you do 10 people i think.

I think 0.2 is good. It's not more, this way you can distribute your amount to 5 people.

Its a gift, even if you 0.001 it's called gift so, I'm not expecting anyone to complain. Ride on

True can't look gift bunny in the mouth so to speak.

It's a very correct suggestion. Because "free vinegar is sweeter than honey"

hi mr bunnypuncher
i think 0.2 is good \o/

Sometimes some comments are just so good you even wonder giving them the whole ten.
I say you split it how good each comment seems good.

It is a difficult situation since everyone wants to win and nobody wants to lose! And there are those who have the mentality of wanting everything for them! The most appropriate would be to distribute equally, but in the end if you lean for a comment that excels you can give the SBD you want @bunnypuncher!

Well no amount is too small for a comment. But whatever it is you choose to let those comments be responsible comments and not spam comments. Thanks

That is very nice of you.. It might just be little but the happiness it brings are priceless. I think 0.1 is just okay. You can make 10 people happy :) :)

0.25 should be just perfect. It should go round a number of people, and still large enough for a somewhat reasonable payout.

didn't think of that amount great comment.

The more people are happy the better. It's okay if we know how to be happy with little things. People should know how to be happy. 1 SBDs most logical

And SBD you think or which people like my advise is 5 SBD

At first i appreciate your approach of gifting on comment.
i think 0.50 is good enough for a comment that you like.
Or if you want to give more people,then it could be 0.10
Then many people get a share.@bunnypuncher

Well @bunnypuncher i feel and think 1 sbd will go a long way in helping 10 lucky people and I'm in the affirmative am one of them cos i believe it.

Considering you do this everyday, 0.5 SBD doesn't seem so bad. I mean, it's a giveaway.

Although, the selfish me is screaming 1 SBD

Hahaha. 1sbd! @bunnypuncher will punch you!

In my opinion to be fair, the one you offer 0.15 for all is good, remember that you must help many people, and especially those of us who are starting. you and I know it, let's be realistic, less is more so that you help more people.

I wish you a happy day and a better life

0.1 is best. So, everyone can get a share

I personally would say that it would depend on the comment. I think that a base amount say 0.1 SBD for all basic comments. But I think that if you see somebody who you believe deserves more based on how well they commented or how you feel about what they said then they should be rewarded with a better tip. Whatever you do, I am sure that it will be great as always. Have a great day dear friend.

I think it's a good idea. So more people have an opportunity to win.

1sbd is okay for a good tip. For minnows only.

.100 SBD is perfect - that's bought for them to use a bid bot - maybe roll it over them selfs and make a bit more / get exposure on their stuff.

bueno si lo que te importa es la recompensa puedes darle lo que tu conciencia indique, mas, si lo que te importa es que realmente el contenido sea bueno recompensa solo a los 3 mejores haciendo honor a la tradición del 1er lugar , 2do lugar y 3er lugar

Equality vs Equity :)

Equality same amount for everyone.
Equity the amount will distribute according to the needy one.

Equality 1 SBD = .1 sbd for 10person or .2 for 5person
Equity 1 SBD = Sometimes it goes like this (.3 sbd for 1 person, .4sbd for the less fortunante, .2sbd for not that fortunate, and .1sbd for the dolphin or whale.)

0.25 should be a good one. Others sound very less

any amount as long as it's a giveaway i'm in! that small amount of SBD would be huge when the rate goes to $10 soon! :D

Any amount will do.. we should be thankul for that...😊

exelente publicacion en reaslidad es muy importante responder las publicaciones por que de esta manera podemos crecer mas como pecesillos la verdad es que un buen consejo al tiempo apropiado aviva al corazón y las ganas de seguir trabajando por eso te deseo éxito y lo mejor del mundo todos juntos ganamos no se le olvide saludos @bunypuncher