
I am writing about your reply .... there is no new blog up by you. This one expored so i entered mine in the comments

No, dear, you are quite wrong. I always post a new blog for the each contest week. Please, read it more carefully next time & please follow the rules. Thanks! 😃

Posted using Partiko Android

The only post that’s up is this one ! With the end date :
June 1st so .... so I ALWAYS PUT UP A NEW BLOG ISNT TRUE please don’t insult me to say : read more carefully!
I read everything VERY CAREFULLY and saw your APPICS blogs and resteem
And say: And follow the rules next time
You should get you act together before you issue a contest ! And be grateful someone entered !
Good luck with your contest.

Darling, this is the last week contest blog post:

Compare it to the last - 9th - contest week & you'll see that they are different! 😉


Read carefully & follow the rules! 😊

Thanks! 😘

Posted using Partiko Android